Form 420this form is the result and instrument that arises from the loading of the registration module for legal persons made by the legal persons before the Federal Administration of Public Revenues (AFIP), in version 2.0 to facilitate the registration of legal persons.
If you are interested in knowing how to fill out the form and know everything related to the data load necessary to successfully complete your registration with the AFIP. We invite you to continue reading everything you need to know about Form 420.
Form 420/J
In order for you to formalize the registration of your business unit with the AFIP under the forms of company existing in our country, the legal representative of the company must use the application «REGISTRATION MODULE OF LEGAL PERSONS – F. 420/J – Version 2.0» .
Once this is done, you will be able to obtain form 420/J that you must later present using the tax key “Presentation of DDJJ and Payments”. Then the system will provide you with an acknowledgment of receipt, in which you will be able to verify your transaction number, which is proof that you made the presentation.
In order to file with the office that corresponds to your tax domicile as a legal entity, you must bring the following documents with you:
- Affidavit form No. 420/J generated by the application.
- The acknowledgment that the system provided when I made the presentation.
- Submit the «acceptance of the procedure» receipt printed by you.
You must supply everything required within 30 calendar days from the moment you accept the terms at the end of the data upload.
Once your registration process is complete, you will receive your CUIT from AFIP and then do not forget that you must assign a tax code administrator.
Explanatory note: commercial companies not included in article 299 of the General Law of Companies with jurisdiction in CABA may choose to use the application NATIONAL REGISTRY OF COMPANIES – Version 1.0.
You will be able to access the AFIP portal, where you will have to select the version that suits your business, making click here
Form 420/F
Form 420/F is addressed to individuals who make face-to-face procedures to request their CUIT number, in this process you must present form 460/F in duplicate, at the AFIP office that corresponds to you according to your address fiscal.
You must present this form with the following elements:
For Argentines by birth or naturalized and registered foreigners: photocopy of the DNI (National Identity Document). Exceptions are people who are over 75 years of age by 12/31/2014 and those who have been judicially declared incapable, for this group, the freedom to present their civic or enrollment booklet applies.
For foreigners without a national identity document: photocopy of the identity card, or of the certificate or proof that proves the file number they have given by the National Directorate of Migrations, where the nature of their residence is verified
The granting of the CUIT to foreigners is subject to the conditions of RG 3890/94
To submit this form, you must bring two of the following proofs of the fiscal domicile in original and a photocopy, those cases in which the human person was attached to the electronic fiscal domicile are excluded, thus, you only have to present one, you must also present what go on:
- ID.
- Proof of residence that has been issued by a competent authority.
- Certificate of verification that is notarized.
- Receipt of a service where the taxpayer appears as the owner of the service.
- Proof of Ownership of the Property, or the rental contract.
- Bank account or credit card report, this applies only if the applicant is the owner of the service.
- Municipal qualification or authorization.
- Family Housing Certificate issued by the State Assets Administration Agency, issued by the National Social Security Administration (ANSES).
Important: All photocopies of the documents must be signed by both the applicant and a notary public, this to be displayed. According to the regulations, there will be cases where the respective originals can be exhibited.
You can download the form by giving click here
Form 420/T
The 420/T form is essentially a ticket that serves as proof of our management before the AFIP to validate procedures for the Registration of Taxes or Regimes.
It establishes the conditions and procedures that individuals, legal entities and undivided successions must comply with, with the objective of requesting registration in the corresponding taxes and/or regimes.
This form shows the result of the transaction before the AFIP, and returns the following data:
- Surname and Name / Designation
- Date of issue
- Transaction number
- Tax / Regime, in which the registration had been requested.
- Obligation Registration Period, date entered at the time of registration, for each tax or regime.
To do the 420/T procedures you must do the following:
- You must enter your tax code to the «Registry System» service and then in the main section you must select «Tax Registration».
- Once in «Tax Registration», select «F 420T Registration of Taxes / Regimes». When selecting, a menu will be displayed where you must select a tax or regime and the start date. Then press “OK”.
- Confirm the operation and the system will issue the 420/T form.
For additional information review this link
Uses of the Forms
- Form 420/J: It is used to formalize the registration of your business unit under the forms of company existing in the country before the AFIP.
- Form 420/F: This form is used to serve as an instrument for individuals who make face-to-face procedures when they request their CUIT number.
- Form 420/T: This instrument is essentially a ticket and its fundamental use is to serve as proof that guarantees that we have carried out our procedures before the AFIP to achieve the Registration of Taxes or Regimes.
How to fill out the forms
- Form 420/J: Your upload is completed by accessing the AFIP portal, on this site, once on the site the upload is done by going to the application «REGISTRATION MODULE OF LEGAL ENTITIES – F. 420/J – Version 2.0”. On the site you must upload your tax information and later you can download the form.
- Form 420/F: The action of completing this form is manual, you must download the form here: and then fill it out and submit it to an AFIP office with a series of additional documents, already indicated in the Form 420/F section.
- Form 420/T: To load this instrument you must visit this link: You must previously register on the AFIP portal, once you complete your process you will be able to download your voucher.
We hope that all the information we have provided you will help you in your efforts before the AFIP! Greetings.