On many occasions we will be surprised by the lack of information in society about disability and how the disability certificate facilitate the integration of a person into social life, that is why we believe it is important to disseminate How to obtain the disability certificate in Argentina? in a simple way.
What is the certificate of disability?
It’s a public, national and non-transferable document, whose objective is the protection of whoever owns it under Law 22,431 and 24,901 related to Disability conditions.
Now, let’s understand what is the Disabilityaccording to World Health Organization WHOis determined by the Biopsychosocial criterion, where both physical and social abilities are compromised, which limit the person’s participation in the community.
It is not only that a medical diagnosis supports the physical limitation, due to illness or other reasons, but also that must analyze environmental factorswhich disadvantage the affected person, to a certain extent to the integration of his life in society.
⇒ Argentina adhered to this classification of disability issued by the World Health Organization WHO since 2001, through Resolution 675/2009, implementing the Single Certificate of Disability-CUD.
Who issues it?
A commission made up of professionals from different medical disciplines, known as Disability Assessment Boardwho are intended to confirm a person’s disabilitybased on the regulations for the different types of disability:
- Disability with intellectual and mental deficiency
- Motor disability
- Disability with Sensory Deficiency of Auditory Origin
- Disability with Physical Deficiency of Visceral Origin
Here are some social services to process the CUD in Buenos Aires:
- Zone 1 Stones 1281, San Nicolás. Telephone: 4361-3590 ssZona1@buenosaires.gob.ar
- zone 2 Uriburu JE 1022, 1st floor, Recoleta. Telephone 4823-1165 extension 124
ssZona2@buenosaires.gob.ar - zone 3 Av. San Juan 2353, San Cristóbal. Telephone: 4308-0289
ssZona3@buenosaires.gob.ar - Zone 4 East Col. Salvadores 799, La Boca. Telephone: 4303-1393
ssZona4este@buenosaires.gob.ar - Zone 4 West Av. Del Barco Centenera 2906, Nueva Pompeya. Phone: 4919-8763
ssZona4oeste@buenosaires.gob.ar - zone 5 Av. San Juan 2353, San Cristóbal. Telephone: 4941-2490
ssZona5@buenosaires.gob.ar - zone 6 Av. Patricias Argentinas 277, Caballito
ssZona6@buenosaires.gob.ar - zone 7 Yerbal 2457, Flowers. Phone: 4613-5513
ssZona7@buenosaires.gob.ar - Zone 8 Climbing Av. 4501, Villa Lugano Telephone: 4605-1297
ssZona8@buenosaires.gob.ar - zone 9 Climbing Av. 4501, Villa Lugano. Telephone: 4605-1297
ssZona9@buenosaires.gob.ar - zone 10 Alt. FJ Seguí 2125 1st floor, La Paternal. Telephone l: 4581-1422
ssZona10@buenosaires.gob.ar - Zone 11 Av. Francisco Beiró 5229, Villa Devoto Telephone: 4566-3849
ssZona11@buenosaires.gob.ar - zone 12 Charlone 1563, Villa Urquiza. Telephone: 4551-9458
ssZona12@buenosaires.gob.ar - zone 13 Av. Cabildo 3067 2nd floor, Belgrano. Telephone: 4704-9007
ssZona13@buenosaires.gob.ar - Zone 14 Av. Col. Diaz 2110, Palermo. Telephone: 4821-5697
ssZona14@buenosaires.gob.ar - zone 15 Alt. FJ I followed 2125, Ground Floor, Paternal. Telephone: 4581-1373
What are the uses of the certificate?
Possessing the Certificate of Disability opens the access to enjoy the Full coverage of basic health services.
One of its main uses is access to the Job Quota for the Disabled in the public sector, and the possibilities of achieving an employment relationship with the private company are expanded.
How is it processed?
The application to obtain the Disability certificate, consists of determining if an individual, after undergoing an evaluation by professionals from different areas, can be protected or covered by the benefits of the disability certificate.
This multidisciplinary team will confirm the existence of the disability, its origin, the degree of physical commitment and the real possibilities in cases of rehabilitation of the applicant.
You must carry out this procedure, before the Evaluation Board in the health institutions authorized by the Ministry of Health, that corresponds to you according to the room address that appears on your National Identity Document or DNI.
To locate the information of the different meetings, check the following link: Evaluation Boards.
Requirements to obtain the certificate of disability
The documentation required to obtain the certificate of disability is:
- Original of the National Identity Document or Passport
- Original of the Medical Certificate, where the complete diagnosis, the signature and the seal of the doctor are indicated, the date must not exceed six (6) months of issuance.
- You can present all the Certificates issued by other professionals or specialists, that support the disability criteria, with an issue date of no more than six (6) months.
In case of having social work, additional to the three previous ones:
- Present a copy of the first and second page of your identity document
- Copy of the payment receipt of the last salary earned (if you have a job) or of the family member you depend on.
In case of being retired, in addition to the first three:
- Copy of the payment receipt of the last accrued salary
When you need to perform The renewal of the Certificate of Disability, the procedure is the same, additionally you must present the expired certificate in original.
Steps to follow
Once you have collected the necessary documents, there are only three (3) steps to follow:
- 1st Step: Locate the site to process the Certificate of Disability.
According to the place of residence that shows the National Identity Document or DNIinvestigate the location of the nearest Evaluation Board.
You can obtain from the evaluation boards by entering Evaluation Boards or by contacting the SNR Call Center: 0800-555-3472, free of charge.
- 2nd. Step: Request the appointment or appointment to be evaluated
When contacting the Evaluation Board of your convenience, you must make the appointment request for the evaluation.
- 3rd. Step: Attend the evaluation on the day and time
The multidisciplinary Evaluation Board will review the documentation and determine the corresponding issuance of the Disability certificate.
Carrying the Disability Certificate opens a range of benefits, whose sole purpose is to guarantee access to health and facilitate the integration of the person into activities within society, including:
- Full Coverage of Basic Enabling and Rehabilitation Benefits
According to the law . 24,901, enjoys 100% in the benefits of both medicines and prostheses and treatments, according to the type of certified disability.
- Free public transport
This pass has national coverage, without limits of distances or means, whether by train, subway, buses, or public, endorsed by Decrees No. 38/2004 and 118/06, issued by the Ministry of Transport of the nation (011) 4349-7133 // 4349-7135 // 4349-7137. National Transport Regulation Commission (CNRT) 0-800-333-0300
- Assignment of the international symbol of access for the automobile
This international logo of Access, guarantees the right of free movement and parking, with exemption to the patent of any automotive means for its mobilization. Protected under Law No. 19279, and Decree No. 1313/93 of the National Rehabilitation Service 0-800-555-3472
- Admission to the family regime due to disability in ANSES.
This scheme applies to children with disabilities, pregnancy with Down Syndrome and annual school aid for children with disabilities.
- Enjoy exemption in the payment of taxes.
Municipal tax exemption is assigned as patents. Prior consultation at the municipal office closest to the home.
- Opt for an employment relationship in both the public and private sectors
Both private companies and public organizations request the certificate of disability as documentation of entry into the labor market according to the Ministry of Labor
As we can notice, being creditor of the Certificate of Disability, It has many benefits, without making limitations in terms of race, creed or social condition, opening the possibilities to improve the health and sociability of the person with a disability.