Many must have ever wondered what are the benefits of working in the sector for public workers and employees, finding that there are many and they are very varied. However, they also change a lot depending on the province to which you belong. In the case of the Province of Buenos Aires, one of the benefits is being able to belong to the IOMA and obtain the IOMA Form, a quick and easy way to get help and medical assistance.
Are you wondering how you can join her? Here we tell you step by step everything about the IOMA form!
IOMA form
First, we are going to go step by step, so that you can better understand all the concepts.
The first is that the IOMA form is a spreadsheet which serves to join to all the facilities provided by this social work. This form must be filled out initially to be part of the beneficiaries of the different medical assistance plans granted by the work.
These plans cover practically all the medical contingencies that a person may suffer.
It is important to emphasize that it is available only for workers of the Province of Buenos Aires.
If you want to download the form, you can click here.
Medical Referral
Changing doctors, or needing a specialized professional in a certain area, is not something strange these days.
And in this sense the IOMA has foreseen certain caseswhich must be known to know what measures must be taken to meet the different types of needs that may arise.
The first case is when the person is affiliated with the province but needs to have a medical consultation in another facility providing IOMA of the Federal Capital Region, in which case you must go to the delegation and request Annex III. Now with this, together with the DNI, the credential and the receipt of assets, they can be presented directly to the provider.
Another case is when a hospitalization or programmed practice is necessary, in which case Annex III must also be requested. Once obtained, it must be submitted to the IOMA Federal Capital Region, together with the referral you have obtained, for the practice or hospitalization to be authorized.
There is also the case of prostheses where the prosthesis provision procedure must be carried out at IOMA, if admitted to Hospital Italiano, Hospital de Clínicas, UAI, Hospital Roffo or Fleni, or through the Administration if you are in the Sanatorium Güemes, Sagrada Familia, Favaloro Foundation, Virreyes Clinic or Colegiales Sanatorium.
Finally, there is the case of people who have to carry out a treatment, who must present Annex III in the same way, together with the initial medical referral.
He Annex III must be requested in one of IOMA offices.
Individual Psychotherapy
Currently many people suffer from some kind of mental disorder or illness, which need treatment, which mostly results from a series of appointments with the psychologist.
This they have also foreseen, given that through the IOMA formwhich has a section on Individual Psychotherapeutic Treatment, the person may receive treatment in sections of 44 sessions with a payment of $80,000 per sessionand can even be increased to 22, which would cost $105,000 each.
To access the benefit, you must present yourself with the chosen professional, with the DNI, the credential and the last salary receipt, if you are a mandatory affiliate, or the payment of the last installment, in the case of being a voluntary affiliate.
In the case of a person with the Unique Certificate of Disability (CUD), the consultations will have a 100% coveragehaving to present only the DNI, the credential, last salary receipt, if being a mandatory affiliate, or the payment of the last installment, in the case of being a voluntary affiliate and the CUD.
To make inquiries, you can send an email to
Evolution of Clinical History
By reading this title, many will already have an idea of what this is about, however, it never hurts to make a clarification for all those who do not know.
So, what is the evolution of the clinical history? Well, it’s quite easy to understand, starting from the idea that the clinical history is a document with the entire history of the patient’s health, which includes chronic diseases and all the conditions for which they have been hospitalized. ever in a health center.
It is a document that is used for many things and is sometimes requested even to apply for a job or, once in a job, to be able to continue doing it.
This it can be obtained by going in person to the IOMA office in which you are affiliated, since being a personal document it is necessary to make the request directly or from the Self-management window with your user.
To get there, you just have to do click here.
Psychopedagogical Treatment
It is not common to read the term of this title, right?
That is why first we are going to give you a brief description of what, so that you can better understand what is referred to and in which cases it is needed.
Psychopedagogical Treatment is aimed at children who have difficulties or special conditions, since it is given to them by specialists who are both educators and psychologists, who are prepared to help infants with everything related to learning and emotional problems and presenting a condition.
There are a number of steps to get the IOMA to provide coverage. The first of all is to start an exception in the indicated Delegation.
There are also some requirements that are necessary to submit. Which are? Here we tell you!
There are a series of documents that are necessary from the beginning. These are: original and copies of the affiliate’s credential, DNI and last salary receipt or last payment receipt in the case of a voluntary affiliate.
You must download and fill out the Psychopedagogical Treatment Form (called Schedule No. 6, to print it only you must click)
You also need the receipt of payment or estimates in the case of a refund or authorization.
Finally, a professional referral or a referral that is given by the educational establishment must be presented.
Family or Couple Psychotherapy
Many families go through problems, which can become unbearable, and even lead to dangerous situations for the members of this family circle.
Something similar happens with couples, since misunderstandings can soon become bigger problems that even break the union or worse.
However, many of these situations can be controlled by taking a therapy given by professional psychologists specialized in the field. To get this help, it is only necessary to complete a few steps.
The first of them is, if you want a coverage, initiate an exception in the indicated Delegation. After this you have to present a documentary that is quite easy to get and deliver. This documentation is:
Present the original and a photocopy of the affiliate’s credential, as well as the DNI and the last salary receipt or last payment receipt in case of being a voluntary affiliate.
Also You must fill out the Family or Couple Psychotherapy Formalso called Plan Nº7, which is quite easy to complete and they can find it clicking.
Finally, the payment receipt or the budget must be presented in case of reimbursement or authorization.
What is IOMA?
Already many after having arrived here will have a fairly clear idea about what is IOMAbut for those who still have doubts or want to go deeper, this section is the answer.
LANGUAGE are acronyms that mean Institute of Medical Assistance Work in the case of social work focused on the public employees of the Provincial State. However, it is not directed only to them, since it is also made to work as an open system (paying a fee) and is offered to the entire population of the Buenos Aires province.
Instructions for the forms
Most of the procedures that are carried out at the IOMA require the IOMA formwhich are quite easy to fill out and print.
However, if you consider that they are difficult for you, or if you have problems when finishing making them, You can always refer to the instructionswhich will be very helpful. Just baby click here to get them.
Voluntary Adhesion Form
If you are not a public employee of the Provincial Statebut you still want to enjoy all the facilities and services that the IOMA Form presents, then you can fill out the Voluntary Adhesion Form (you can find it doing click hereYo) and present it at an IOMA office, yes, you must be a resident of the province of Buenos Aires or a non-resident but with work in the province.
As you could already see, the IOMA Form is a great tool that offers many facilities to its members, who can enjoy an entire medical system for their use.