What are the Conditions and Requirements for Donating Blood in Argentina

Did you know that 8 out of 10 people need a blood donation for themselves or their family environment? Furthermore, in Argentina studies have determined that si 5% of citizens go to donate twice a year, 100% of the country’s needs are covered. Blood is a highly precious, renewable liquid that runs within us, but impossible to manufacture by other means.

You should not necessarily consider being a donore in a family emergency, you can habituate this act regularly and help thousands of people with specific treatments and in need of this vital liquid. Next we will detail the requirements to donate blood in Argentina.

Requirements to donate blood in Argentina

Any individual who wishes to donate blood in Argentina must meet the following requirements:

  • Be in good health.
  • Understand an age between 18 and 65 years.
  • Possess a weight greater than 50 kilos.
  • Do not show up on an empty stomach when donating.
  • Bring identification card, passport or DNI.
  • Not having donated blood in the last 2 months at least.

What are the steps to donate blood?

Before donating blood, it is important to take into account the following considerations and requirements to do so:

  • Be rested / or, having slept at least 6 hours.
  • Feeling in good condition (not having symptoms of general malaise, fever, cold or cough).
  • Eat breakfast or lunch regularly and drink plenty of fluids (non-alcoholic).
  • Find the closest Donation Center by consulting its hours of operation.

The process to donate blood is very simple and safeAs shown in the requirements, anyone between the ages of 18 and 65, and who has excellent health conditions, can be a donor.

In the first place, as part of the procedure, each person who wants to donate blood will undergo a preliminary study to find out their general state of health. Once it is verified and it is determined that it is suitable for the donation process, the blood will be drawn by the medical team, with completely new, totally sterile and disposable materials for single use.

The actual donation process takes approximately 10 minutes; in case of donating platelets, the process could take between one or two hours. It is important to note that the citizen who makes a blood donation is not exposed to any type of risk.

Where to donate blood in Argentina?

Here are some of the most common places where you can donate blood:


    Address: Dr. Juan F. Aranguren 2701.
    TE 4611-6666 int. 2090 and 2950
    Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
    Address: Py y Margall 750.
    TE 4121-0718
    Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
    Address: Av. Córdoba and Azcuénaga.
    Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
    Address: Patricias Argentinas 750
    TE 4982-9725
    Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.


  • Children’s Hospital
    Address: Av. Virgen del Valle 1050
    Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 8 am. at 10 am Hemotherapy Service
  • Central Blood Bank:
    Address: Av. Sánchez Oviedo 172
    Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 8am to 10am.
  • Icaño Hospital
    Hemotherapy Service
    Hours of operation: from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.


  • Zonal Trelew Hospital
    Address: July 28, 140
    Phone: (0280) 421385
    Hours of operation: from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
  • Hospital Subzonal Dr Andres R. Isola
    Address: Roberto Gomez 383
    Telephone: (0280) 4451999 ext. 1138
    Hours of operation: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


  • Central Blood Bank of the Province of Córdoba
    Address: Av. Rosario de Santa Fe Nº 374
    Phone: 0351 – 4341556
  • Hemocentro – Municipality of Córdoba
    Address: Salta Nº 480
    Telephone: 0351 – 4276240 int. 4474/75
  • UNC Bank
    Address: Nurse Gordillo Gómez S / N
    Phone: 0351-4334121 / 28
  • Central Blood Bank Foundation
    Address: Caseros 1576.
    Phone: 0351 – 4807373


  • Dr Serra Hospital.
    Address: IRIGOYEN 554 CP (8520)
    Phone: 02934-421211
    Hours: Only in the mornings.


  • Cullen Hospital
    Address: AV. Freire 2150
    TE- 0342 -4573357 int. 244/5
    Hours: Monday to Friday from 7.30 a.m. to 9.30 a.m.
  • Iturraspe Hospital
    Address: Bvrd. PELLEGRINI 3551
    TE 0342-4575757 int. 148
    Hours: Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.

Similarly, on the following website are all the locations available to donate blood in Argentina:


What is recommended to do after donation?

As the blood must be regenerated by the body, what is recommended, after the donation process, is to ingest a lot of fluids, water and natural juices, also eat red meat and dairy foods. At the same time, it is recommended not to do activities that require a lot of effort for the next 4 hours, or to practice activities that require balance or exposure to height. Similarly, it is not advisable to drink alcoholic beverages for the next 24 hours or to smoke for the next 5 hours after donation.

If any discomfort such as fever, diarrhea or vomiting occurs within the week after donating blood, it is recommended to contact the Donation Center and inform about the symptoms.

What is blood used for?

Donated blood is never directly transfused to the patient, each donation undergoes the following laboratory studies:

  • Classification of blood group and factor and antibodies.
  • Detection of ITT (Transfusion Transmissible Infections) such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV / AIDS, Chagas, Syphilis, HTLV and Brucellosis.

These studies ensure that the blood is suitable for transfusionFurthermore, the components of donated blood are separated so that each patient receives the input they need to improve their health, they are divided as follows:

  • Red blood cells: used in treatments for chronic anemias, acute anemias, surgeries, transplants
  • Platelets: used in treatments such as chemotherapy, bone marrow aplasia, transplants.
  • Plasma and derivatives: used in treatments for hemophilia, blood clotting problems, burns, kidney and liver diseases.

Frequent questions

The donation of blood itself produces certain questions in society, below we detail and explain the doubts most frequently raised by blood donors:

Who cannot donate blood?

  • Pregnant women
  • People over 65 years of age, except if they have medical authorization.
  • People who are carriers of diseases such as HIV.
  • People who suffer from arterial hypertension.
  • People with Hepatitis B or C.
  • People with epilepsy.
  • People who suffer from asthma or other similar illnesses.

Minors between the ages of 16 and 18 can donate blood as long as their parents or guardians give their consent.

How often can I donate blood?

The law establishes that blood donations can be made at least every 8 weeks, having the prior medical evaluation required to validate the health status of the donor individual.

Up to what age can I donate blood?

Maximum up to 65 years of age.

What are the benefits of donating blood?

In addition to saving lives, donating blood can bring many benefits to the health of the donor, below we mention the most relevant benefits:

  • The body is rejuvenated, since when it detects that the fluid level is reduced, the body generates new cells and gives way to clean and fresh blood.
  • Iron levels are balanced due to donation, causing a natural renewal in the body when the individual proceeds to feed.
  • It has been determined that with the donation, the blood flows in a less damaging way to the lining of the blood vessels, this means less arterial blockage and less risk of suffering a heart attack and stroke.
  • In order to donate blood, it is necessary to check pulse, pressure, hemoglobin levels among other values, this is summarized in a basic medical review.
  • People who donate altruistically have been shown to have a lower risk of dying than those who are «obligated,» according to a study published in the journal Health Psychology.
  • It contributes to the growth and development of blood banks, which in most cases need to be stocked and promoted.

Can you donate blood with tattoos?

Indeed yes, as long as one year has elapsed since it was carried out.

Can you donate blood having had hepatitis?

People who had hepatitis before the age of 10 can donate without any problem.

Does donating blood cause dizziness?

In very isolated cases, dizziness occurs when donating blood, usually in those people who are more emotional. A common myth indicates that donating blood produces weakness, which is false; since the amount of blood drawn is around 400-450ml, both for men and women, consequently it does not affect the health or strength of the person.

This is certified through the previous study that is carried out before proceeding to the donation, in which the hemoglobin levels that indicate the amount of red blood cells are determined and therefore it will be possible to determine if the levels are sufficient to carry out the donation with normal.

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