We know that the services provided are usually protected by the State and are considered a good of national interest, even when concessions are granted to private companies to administer said service. These services are essential and play an essential role in economic and social development.
These services must be provided on a regular basis, that is, they must be provided in accordance with the pre-established rules, regulations and conditions. In this article we will let you know how to get your Certificate of Services Provided, you will know what they are about and what the requirements are.
Keep reading! This information is for you.
Necessary Requirements for the Certificate of Services Provided
According to the regulations applying article 73.1 of the III CU, for the purposes of the past, the benefits provided in the practical scope of application referred to in the paragraph of this Public Agreement will be taken into account as career, interim and internship fees of the Directorate. Policy of the Period.
In the same way, the period of income is counted in terms of services in organizations or other entities of a legal nature. With the difference that the supplies in mercantile companies that are owners of greater maritime capital, in the sense of collaboration either direct or indirect by the department of public administrations.
The systematization used in the provision of services by the public administrations of the States that belong to the European Grouping; It will exclusively focus on the services provided, in the Public Directorate of said States.
Next, you will be indicated the necessary requirements to obtain the Certificate of Services Provided:
- Petition officially inspected.
- Testimony of previous services, where they are issued by the specimen where the services were loaned, for those individuals who request recognition.
It can be highlighted that there are multiple agencies that provide their services, in the same way, the annexed model document must be delivered for each of them.
Possible Assumptions
- In the event that the services are provided as subjective military, you will have to make the request for recognition of orders provided contributed with the respective documentation.
- All this was explained previously for the «Annex I Model of previous services and Application».
To whom corresponds the services provided, which are issued by the Army Personnel Command.
- If the situation of the loans are only as labor personnel in the field in another Ministerial Department of the Single Agreement, you will have to request a trained body from the Model Annex.
- Then, you must execute the request that is posted in a short time, with few details of the past computation.
It is not necessary to obtain an acknowledgment for personal services.
- If the loan has been as a civil servant of a career, either personal in other Public Administrations or statutory personnel.
- In addition, you will have to make the request for an acknowledgment for the services provided, contributing to the requested documentation, such as Annex I of services, prices and the request.
Data Contained in the Certificate of Services Provided
Once you decide to complete the certificate form, some fields will appear that you will have to fill in correctly. Among the data contained in the Certificate of Services Provided, is it so:
- The DNI.
- Employment contract, whether permanent or temporary.
- Contract start date.
- Destiny.
Requests, under the provisions of article 73.1 of the III Single Agreement for labor personnel of the General State Administration, recognition of the services provided within the scope of said Agreement, which are indicated below:
Services provided in the Ministry, Agency or Entity of destination Center.
- Manager / Unit.
- Management Center / Unit.
- Category – Body – Scale – Square or Template.
- Link from / to.
Services provided in other Ministries, Organisms or Entities of Field III.
- Single agreement.
- Ministry – Organism – Entity.
- Indicating Category – Body – Scale – Square – or Template.
- Link from / to.
To this end, the certifications of services provided that relate are attached. All this for the purposes of a new calculation of seniority and payment of the amount that corresponds to such seniority.
Annex I Certification of Services Provided.
- Ministry, Agency or Corporation.
- DNI number.
- Surname.
- Second surname.
- Name.
- Destiny.
- Location.
- Province.
- From / to total services provided.
Classification group I certify the accuracy of the above data, which agrees with the surplus information at this Headquarters. The Chief of Staff or the Area Health Manager or the Manager or Director of the Sanitary Institution (as appropriate)
- F C. Career civil servant.
- L. Labor contract.
- C. Administrative Contract.
- F P. Official trainee.
- E P. Permanent statutory staff.
- E T. Temporary statutory staff.
- F I. Acting Employment Officer.
- F E. Temporary Employment Officer.
In the case of means of proof confirmed in law, in the case of the provision of services that have not been formalized in the documentary sense: it will be accompanied with copies, testimonies or authorizations by payroll, receipts or documents that serve as support to the interested party of the remuneration that they satisfy during the agreed time.
In accordance with the provisions of article 25.1 of the Basic Statute of Public Employees, the personnel, whether temporary, substitute or statutory who have personal or professional data, are expressed below by requesting from VI a recognition of three years, in relation to the services provided by the administration, which are indicated below and are validated with the documentation required herewith.
- Personal and professional data.
- Surname.
- Second surname.
- Name.
- DNI number
- Body, Scale or square to which it belongs Administrative Situation.
- Current destination.
- Location.
- Job.
- Number.
Register of Personal Domicile II.- Characteristics of the services whose recognition is sought.
- From to.
- Relationship with the Administration (1) Organism.
- Unit in which they were provided.
- Career officer,
- Employment officer (temporary, interim).
- Temporary statutory staff.
- Labor or administrative contract.
What is the Certificate of Services Provided for?
A service is a set of actions that are used to serve someone, something or some cause, these services have and are functions exercised by people towards others in order that they can receive and enjoy them with satisfaction.
The services provided are usually constituted as a unit within the company, with the objective of solving problems or debts that customers have with respect to the purchased product or the contracted service. Whether it is questions about the use of the product, claims and guarantees.
East Certificate of Services Provided It serves to certify that a service has been provided and indicates the relationship that has been had with an administration towards an employee (career civil servant, temporary civil servant, civil servant trainee, contract worker) and an established period of time.
In addition, it accredits the services provided for the purposes of seniority. If you want to obtain the Certificate of Services Provided, you should know that you can make the request in two ways, either in person or via the Internet from the comfort of your home.
If you want to apply online, you must submit the application and documentation through the electronic registry of the Ministry, it is necessary that you have the National Identity Document.
Instead, if you You prefer to make this request in person, you can present the document at any of the Offices of Assistance in Registration Matters of the community of Madrid.
What is it?
A service is a set of actions which are performed to serve someone, something or some cause. Services are functions performed by people towards others in order for them to fulfill the satisfaction of receiving them.
In addition, this type of services in any community are determined in classes, in turn these classes are established according to the figure, personal or institutional that offers or imparts it.
A Service Provided is addressed to a natural person, who specifies an obligation to do, regardless of whether the material or intellectual factor predominates and that in a certain way generates a consideration in money, in kind, regardless of its name or form of remuneration.
The Certificate of Services Provided, It consists of the services provided as civil servant personnel in practice, as well as those rendered as civil servant personnel of the local administration with national qualification. In Spain, some of the services provided are:
- Electric light.
- Drinking water.
- Internet access.
- Public transport.
- Public health or health service.
- Public education.
- Postal Service.
The services provided are a set of goods and activities that are generally basic or essential, through direct administration, subsidies or other regulatory mechanisms. The State guarantees the population a better standard of living and protects equal opportunities among citizens.
These services are usually paid for with taxpayers’ money, that is, with public funds, which is why they are usually limited to those essential for contemporary life. These types of services play a very important role in the mixed economy, they control the free market.
What are you waiting to get your Certificate of Services Provided? You already have all the information you need!
Much success!