Form 1276 Gross Income: Completed, What It Is For and MORE

8 minutos de lectura

The Form 1276 corresponds to the Affidavit of Gross Income of taxpayers, destined to the figures of perception and / or withholding. It is an extremely important document, which is processed online and which we will be talking about today.

Consequently, you will learn how to fill it out correctly, what this form is for, who should process it and what are the most frequent questions that taxpayers ask themselves when filing this affidavit. So do not go away! Today you will know everything about the Form 1276.

How to fill out Form 1276 of Gross Income?

Let’s start talking about How to fill out Form 1276. It is vital that you know how to fill out this form correctly, so that you do not waste time or stress if the system fails.

However, you don’t need to worry! We will give you the tools to do it. If you follow these steps and read the entire article, you should have no doubts about the process.

Let’s see!

  • First of all, you must register or enable the API-Santa Fe Service: Form Form 1276 Affidavit and consultation – Taxpayers. For this, you have to:
    • Enter the web portal of the Federal Administration of Public Taxes (AFIP).
    • In the Access with CF section, click on
    • You will be redirected to another page. Enter your CUIT and Tax Code (CF). If you do not have the latter, you must process it. You can know how to do it right there, in Request Password.
    • You will be able to see the Enabled Services and Administrative services. Within the latter, it locates the so-called Administrator of Key Fiscal Relationships.
    • Then proceed to click Adhere Service.
    • In the list that will appear, select API Administration Prov. Of Taxes.
    • Then just click Interactive Services > API-Santa Fe- Query Form 1276 Web, Contributors.
    • Finally, click Confirm. You can use the app API using the Tax Code.
  • Once you have the service, you must enter the web portal of the Government of Santa Fe. There you must locate Services and click on the option Procedures Portal.
  • A search bar will appear. Sign in Gross Income Tax and select the corresponding option when the search results appear.
  • Read the specs and click Carry out this procedure online when you are ready.
  • Finally, help yourself to the API guide for the completion of this form. You will be able to reinforce what we have told you and follow the management of this document step by step.

Again, if you pay attention to all the recommendations and tools that we have given you in this article, you should not have any problem when doing the corresponding procedure. Keep in mind that for the process you will need your CUIT, Tax Code, define if it will be done individually or by batch, and the email of the processors.

This is the ONLY instructional guide you can guide yourself by for the completion of form 1276. It is an official document issued by the API itself, which works with the Government of Santa Fe and the Directorate of Public Taxes (AFIP) to facilitate many procedures, not only this one.

Also, if you have doubts, check our section of the Frequently asked questions, so that you know how to get in touch with those in charge of dealing with the unforeseen events of the process.

Now that you know how to fill it out, we can go on to explain more fully what this document is about.

What is Form 1276 Gross Income Good for?

The Form 1276 serves to make the Affidavit of Gross Income to Withholding and / or Receiving Agents, as indicated by its official name. Taxpayers who enjoy an aliquot on the activity they carry out or who meet the requirements to be exempt from this income tax, must indicate it through this form.

Everything related to this that we have just said is established in the different legal norms in force that contain the taxes received by the State. You can review all this if you wish, in the tax statutes of the country.

This form is processed online, from the official website of the Santa Fe Province, by the API, as you have just seen, with the support of the Federal Administration of Public Taxes (AFIP). This entity is in charge of ensuring compliance, collection, inspection and everything related to taxes charged at the national level.

The form itself is issued by these two. However, from the web portal of the province you will be able to get more information regarding this form, which is vital to clarify to the pertinent authorities of the obligations that you have as a taxpayer.

Remember that Paying taxes when a certain remunerated activity is carried out is mandatory. However, there are people who do not meet the conditions to pay taxes or receive aliquots on the activity they carry out.

Returning to the topic: the form can only be filled out via the web. The authorities also establish it. You can process it at any time of the year and the validity of its record ends when the characteristics contained therein change.

In conclusion: if you are a taxpayer or have the obligation to pay the Taxes on Gross Income, then this form will allow you to clarify that the activity you carry out has an aliquot or and / or that you are exempt from payment.

It is an affidavit, that is, you cannot falsify or omit data, intended for collection and / or withholding agents.

Finally, keep in mind that you can only fill out this document if you have the Tax Code. This is so because it is the instrument that will allow you to enter the AFIP system. In addition, you require the API service Santa Fe-Form 1276 web. (Affidavit and consultation-Taxpayer) enabled and have the CUIT.

Who Must Process It?

The Form 1276 must be processed by each of the taxpayers of the Gross Income Tax, whether or not they are registered in Santa Fe. These taxpayers carry out an activity covered by the general tax rate or simply do not meet the necessary requirements to have to cancel this obligation.

As a result, this situation should be reported to the withholding and / or perception agents in due course. This you can get more in-depth in the R.G0 5/2018.

Aliquots may vary according to the receiver. These can range from 2.76% to 4.5%. The important thing is that you keep clear that if you are a taxpayer and / or responsible for paying this tax, and you carry out an activity with an aliquot or are considered an exempt subject, you need to submit this form.

Frequently Asked Questions about Form 1276 Gross Income

Now we will proceed to answer any of the PFrequently asked questions that are done when it comes to filling out this form. Let’s see!

What exactly do I need to fill out Form 1276?

Mainly you Tax Code and CUIT. With these you can enter the AFIP system and enable the service from API Santa Fe-Form 1276, which will allow you to complete the procedure.

Additionally, you need the email of the retention and / or perception agent if you do individuall. By batch, you will need the mail of the taxpayer.

Also, if you do it in batch, you will need a text file. This must contain all the CUITS and emails of the agents, separated by a comma.

For both cases enter here.

How many Does it cost to process Form 1276?
It is totally free.
Where is the procedure performed?
From a computer or mobile device.

In the AFIP web portal you register for the form service. On the page of the Government of Santa Fe you can access the procedure. This form is filled out there, exactly by the work of the Provincial Tax Administration (API).

What legal basis does it have?
You can read the Resolution 05/2018 and what refers to the Tax on Public Income in the Tax Code.
What do I do if I have problems during the process?

You can get in touch using the following way:

  • Santa Fe Regional Administration – API

Cortada Falucho 2431 1st Floor (3000) Santa Fe

54 – 342 – 4572504 Internal: 160, 161

What is the processing time for the declaration per batch?

Usually within the first 24 hours it should be ready. Always be attentive to your mail, because that is where the notification of having successfully completed the declaration process will arrive.

What is it?

The Form 1276 is an interactive document that is enabled on the web portal of the Federal Administration of Public Taxes (AFIP) and it is processed from the page of the Province of Santa Fe, managed by the Provincial Tax Administration (API).

The completion of this form is done only on the web. This corresponds to the Affidavit for Withholding and / or Receiving Agents that taxpayers fill out the Gross Income Tax.

It has no cost and its validity is maintained until the data contained in it are modified. To process it, you only need your CUIT, Tax Code, email. IF it is done in batch, then this is required of all registered, in one text. Very important, you need to have the form service enabled in the AFIP.

Take into account what we have answered in the section of the Frequently asked questions and you shouldn’t have any problem. The truth is that it is a management that can be very easy to carry out if you know how to carry it out.

Its biggest advantage is that you can do it from the comfort of the place where you are, with the ability to get solutions on the internet or through the API’s means of contact. We hope we have helped you with what you needed.

Until next time!

Visit GESTIONALO.NET Argentina

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