How to Know if I’m in Jóvenes en Acción: List, Advantages and MORE

7 minutos de lectura

In this content you will be able to know everything about the Youth in Action program and thus answer the question of how to know if I am in Jóvenes en Acción.

We invite you to read this content and thus have all the tools to be part of this incredible student support program.

How do I know if I am in Jóvenes en Acción?

Know and know if you are a member of Youth in Action It is very easy, to find out you can choose one of the two options established by the Jóvenes en Acción program, which are in person or by phone. We are going to explain each of them below:

Via telephone

This is a fairly easy option to work with and you can do it from the comfort of your home or from anywhere, using your phone. To do this you must communicate by calling 5954410 if you are in Bogotá, and 018000951100 if you prefer to do it to a general number. As you can see, it is quite quick and easy.


This way is not as fast as the first one, however it offers various benefits such as having direct attention, and ensuring that you are attended to, because sometimes you have to wait for the call center.

Now, to do it in person, you can go to one of the offices of the Department for Social Prosperity. We recommend you go to the one that is closest to your home.

How to Know if I’m in Youth in Action: Admitted List

Every year in the Department of Social Prosperity, pre-registration sessions are held with the purpose of granting registration opportunities to be part of the Jóvenes en Acción program. All this starting first from the verification of the commitments that are programmed throughout the year.

During each year, at least three calls to massive sessions at IES and five for SENA apprentices. These calls are usually carried out when the new school year begins, so that when the study courses begin, the young people have the support.


To be part of Jóvenes en Acción, it is necessary and mandatory to complete a pre-registration process, in each call. It is an easy and simple procedure where the applicant must provide a series of data and information, fill out a questionnaire and issue certain documentation.

It is important to clarify that the pre-registration status does not mean that you are already a Youth in Action beneficiary. This task only depends on the young applicant.

The quotas that are made available to young applicants are variable, since they depend on the budget that is available at the time to carry out the Youth in Action program. We recommend that you consult in detail the days and permanent points Pre-registration for Youth in Action.

How to know if I’m in Jóvenes en Acción: Advantages

This program offers a large number of benefits and advantages for all the youth of the Colombian nation. Now, to learn more about the advantages of Jóvenes de Acción, we invite you to read the following list, where you will find each of them:

Provision of Incentives

One of the benefits or advantages is the economic incentive, which is delivered by young people in action. He himself is called Conditional Cash Transfer –TMC-.

This is a benefit that is granted to the young participants through a financial mechanism established by the Youth in Action Program, throughout the training process and in the verification stage of compliance with the commitments. The value of the incentive that is issued by the program is $ 200,000 pesos per month approximately.

Verification of Commitments

It is a process that is under the responsibility and management of the IES and SENA, entities which have made formal agreements with social prosperity.

Through this process implemented by Jóvenes en Acción, the educational centers certify to the Jovenes en Acción program, the performance and academic level that the student has achieved during their permanence in the program. In other words, it is verified that the young person has fulfilled the commitments acquired.

Financial Enrollment

Also known as bankarization, financial enrollment is a process that is responsible for linking young people who participate in the Jóvenes en Acción program to a financial product at the agrarian bank in Colombia.

This bank is a financial institution, which is determined by social prosperity. The opening of the account turns out to be a great advantage because it allows participants to count and have a means to receive the aforementioned incentives.

These are the benefits or advantages of the Jóvenes en Acción program, which turn out to be quite convenient, so remember to be aware of the calls to be part of this incredible program.

How to know if I am in Jóvenes en Acción: Responsibilities

Not everything is about advantages and benefits; young people who are members of the Jóvenes en Acción program, apart from enjoying benefits, must fulfill certain obligations and responsibilities that, in turn, allow them to enjoy all the advantages.

All the people who are part of the program must fulfill certain functions necessary to stay within it. Next we will proceed to mention each of these necessary functions:

  • It is vitally important that the young person strives to stay in constant learning and acquire new knowledge through Youth in Action.
  • Another of the student’s responsibilities is that they must attend the SENA process in which they are enrolled on a regular basis. In the event that it is at the IES in any social agreement, you must also attend regularly as assigned.
  • You must also Approve Y move along each of the assignments until the completion of the corresponding study plan is achieved.
  • The student must take care of achieve with all its obligations and responsibilities, which are provided within the institution’s regulations, where we can specifically find the SENA apprentice, which is dedicated to the university statutes and of course the regulations of this educational level.
  • You must claim TMCs in each of the scheduled periods.
  • Comply with the banking process when assigned.
  • Be attentive to e all activities that require their participation and comply with them.
  • Assist to each of the calls carried out by Jóvenes en Acción.
  • Issue all the information and data requested, which are required in the surveys and forms established by the program.
  • Carry out the corresponding data update, in order to be able to contribute with the data of the SENA, IES and social prosperity programs. As well as with the same program and financial entities
  • Be attentive to the information transmitted in the media that the program has, as well as its social networks.

Enrollment for the Program

To enroll in the Famoso Jóvenes en Acción program, it is necessary to follow certain parameters and comply with the pre-registration. For this reason, below are the requirements that you must meet for pre-registration:

  • The minimum age to be eligible for a place within the Jóvenes en Acción program is 16 years old, and the maximum age is 24 years old.
  • Must be a Bachelor of the Republic of Colombia and must be able to prove it through the bachelor’s degree.
  • The applicant must present a photocopy of the personal identification document, which must have a 150% enlargement
  • Provide your contact information, including the cell phone number which is personal and non-transferable.
  • Another piece of information to supply is your Email address.
  • You must take care of the management of the entry questionnaire.
  • The applicant must upload the identity document digitally within the Youth in Action web portal, it must be in PDF format.
  • The young person must have a record in one of these listings populational.
  • Have been a benefactor of the benefit of families in action.
  • Be part of the United Network.
  • The applicant must be in displacement condition.
  • Must have a score less than or equal to 30.56 points in capital cities in SISBEN, and 32.00 in secondary cities.
  • Must also have completed grade 11.
  • Not have accredited technical, university or technological careers.

What is Youth in Action?

The youth in action program is a program established through social prosperity, which has the purpose and function of providing support and serving as a great support to young people with fewer economic resources and more vulnerable through the delivery of contributions. monetary that are called, conditional cash transfers –TMC-, so that they can continue with their studies, technological and professional.

In order to thus favor the development of Colombian education, provide professionals who promote national development.

Follow each of these steps and be successful in your process-


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