Requirements for Donating Blood: Necessary documents, procedure and MORE

7 minutos de lectura

Donating blood is a commendable act anywhere in the world. Find here the Requirements to donate blood in Chile and it will be part of the donor statistics, in addition to enjoying the benefits that this act brings to the donor’s health.

According to those familiar with the subject, in Chile there has been an increase in recent times in the percentage of donors.

It is very significant to create campaigns that promote blood donation. There is misinformation about this issue, and people do not dare to give away a little life and at the same time improve theirs by donating blood. It is a simple act, at no cost but very beneficial.

Dare and do it, you will not regret it. Then read everything related to the subject in this article.

What are the requirements to donate blood in Chile?

In Chile the Requirements to donate blood They are those established by the Ministry of Health. Anyone interested can donate, they only have to meet certain conditions or requirements:

  • Present the identification document with the name or run, or passport.
  • Age must be between 18 and 60 years old.
  • The weight must be over 50 kilos.
  • To have good healthd.
  • Do not go on an empty stomach.
  • You must have consumed food in the six hours prior to donating.
  • Have slept a minimum of five hours for the moment of making the donation.
  • Not be pregnant
  • Not having suffered from Hepatitis before being 12 years old.
  • You must allow four months since the last donation, to do it again if you are a woman, for men it is three months.
  • When donating, not having consumed alcohol in the previous 12 hourss.
  • To have a single sexual partner in the 6 months prior to donating blood.

To keep in mind:

After donating, you must wait an hour to drive a vehicle. Likewise, you must wait a period of 12 hours after the donation to drive cargo vehicles or collective locomotion.

Likewise, you cannot do high-risk sports or work at height until 12 hours after donating blood.

Documents Needed to Donate Blood in Chile

Within the Requirements for Donating Blood, the essential document when donating blood is the valid identity document or passport, or any similar document that can prove the identity of the citizen.

Blood Donation Procedure

Donating blood is an action of will. No one should do it under duress.

Donating blood involves several actions. They are all made for the safety of the donor and the person receiving the donation. The steps are the following:

Request for prior information

The personal information of the donor, remaining once in the corresponding records. You must also fill out a questionnaire with information about the donor’s health. Likewise, you are informed about the type of examinations that will be carried out on you. If the person does not agree to have these exams then they will not be able to make the donation.

Medical interview

In this step the doctor will try to obtain the necessary and essential donor information. You will be asked if you take medicine, if you have eaten, do not have allergies, if you have taken antibiotics in the last days.

Likewise, if you consume any type of drug, if you suffer from any disease, if you have recently lost weight, if you have respiratory, neurological, or other problems, among others. They inquire about their sexual life, if they have traveled to endemic countries, etc.

In this step, the medical professional will indicate if the donation is appropriate or, on the contrary, the reason why it does not qualify as a donor.

Medical exams

A control of clinical signs, weight, blood pressure, hemoglobin and discard of anemia.


When it is determined that the donor is eligible for donation, the blood collection process. Then the vein is punctured in the front part of the arm, followed by the filling of the blood collection bag, this lasts for approximately 10 minutes.

Prior to the completion of the blood collection, blood samples are collected to carry out tests to rule out syphilis, hepatitis B and C, HIV, among other diseases. In addition, it is identified in which blood group the donor is found.

Necessary rest and recommendations

Has to avoid making efforts with your arm and hold the bandage.

During the six hours after the extraction, you should not make sudden movements that could cause dizziness. You should not drink alcohol, nor should you smoke. Do not make physical efforts or expose yourself to the sun. Drink enough fluids.


We have talked about the Requirements for Donating Blood, however, we cannot ignore the issue of benefits. The donation of blood, in addition to benefiting those who need it at the time, generates benefits for the donor’s health. These are the known benefits:

  • Produces rejuvenation of the organismAs the fluid level is lowered, it helps stimulate production and generate new cells and clean blood.
  • According to experts, blood flows better in the lining of blood vessels, causing less arterial blockage. Exists lower risk of stroke and heart attack.
  • I know removes excess iron, balancing the levels in the body. Likewise, they decrease triglycerides in the blood.
  • That is improves overall blood flow.

Who cannot donate blood?

When donating blood, there are certain exceptions to this. We list them below:

  • Those who are taking medicines that are contraindicated in cases of donation.
  • Women with an ongoing pregnancy and who are breastfeeding, or with childbirth or abortion in the last six months.
  • Those women who have abundant and irregular menstrual periods.
  • Those who have had tattoos or some type of piercing or acupuncture sessions, have to wait a period of one year to be a donor.
  • Likewise, those who suffered hepatitis after 12 years of age.
  • Insulin-dependent diabetics.
  • People who suffer from hypertension without any treatment.
  • Those people who have placed drugs intravenously or through the skin.
  • If in the last 12 hours, they have consumed alcohol or marijuana.
  • Those who have infection with syphilis, hepatitis B or C, Chagas disease, or HIV.
  • People epileptic
  • If you have had dental treatment in the last week.
  • Persons engaged in the sex trade, or those who maintained contact with this type of person.
  • If the person has had sexual contact with a new person, less than eight months ago.
  • In the event that in the last eight months you have had sexual contact with several people.
  • People with colds, neurological conditions, respiratory, hematological, cardiac or renal.
  • Those who are receiving antibiotic treatments will only be able to donate after one week of finishing treatment.
  • Those with diarrhea can donate after 10 days after the event.
  • If you are a person who underwent surgery in the previous 6 months.
  • The person who has had an endoscopy or colonoscopy in the last eight months.

Where to donate blood in Chile?

Throughout Chile there are Blood Centers or Banks, where you can go to make a donation. They are the following:

  • The Center of Valparaíso
  • The Metropolitan Center of Santiago, Av. Vitacura 0115, Providencia.
  • The Sótero del Río Hospital on Avenida Concha y Toro.
  • The Barros Luco Hospital on Gran Avenida Miguel Carrera.
  • Also the Padre Hurtado Hospital located in Esperanza, San Ramón.
  • Likewise, the San José Hospital, Av. Zañartu in Independencia.
  • The Hospital of La Florida, Avenida Froilán Roa La Florida.
  • Likewise, the Hospital El Carmen located in El Olimpo Maipú
  • The Luis Tisné Hospital, on Avenida Las Torres in Peñalolén
  • In addition, the Salvador Hospital on Avenida Salvador de Providencia
  • Concepción and Austral in Puerto Montt.
  • The Donor House of the Public Assistance Emergency Hospital (Ex Posta Central) located in Portugal 125 Santiago.

Likewise, there are the 51 Blood Banks, of the 29 existing hospitals in Chile. Also private Health Centers such as: German Clinic Vitacura.

The Ministry of Health also carries out pro-donation campaigns, managing to be in the communities and on university campuses. In this way, it offers the opportunity to become a blood donor and of course a life donor as well.


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