Kiosks have become a very profitable means of generating income in Argentina, due to the economic circumstances that have been occurring in the country over the years. For this reason many people want to set up a kiosk and in Manage it we will tell you which ones are the requirements to enable a kiosk.
These rural landmarks they have been very demanding in many states of the Latin country. However, not all people can work with this type of business due to the required procedures; Verified identity cards, proof of income and even the creation of a capital to invest in the products that will be sold.
On the other hand, these service positions are sporadic and for the moment. There are usually people who set up a kiosk and design it to look like a branded branch. Of course, to carry out this registration or process you must first inform yourself about the different types of documentation to open your kiosk.
However, enable a rural service It is not entirely easy, you will have to have a lot of organization and learn to manage yourself. These are recommendations made by the different people who have created a kiosk and have experience in the field as small-scale sellers. However, we will talk more about it below.
What are the Requirements to Enable a Kiosk?
The procedures to enable a kiosk will depend on the function you want to give it. Some vendors use the kiosk to sell newspapers or some type of informational stationery. On the other hand, there are the positions that sell consumables; food and drinks. For both must collect the following requirements to open a kiosk:
- Be registered by the corresponding authorities
- Renew the demand for the census
- In the case of wanting to sell food products, take the food handling course
- Verified and valid DNI
- Proof of residence in Argentina
- Passport (if you are a foreigner)
- Create an invested capital in the kiosk
- Have the opening certificates stamped
- Comply with seller’s rights
Based on the parameters mentioned, although it complies with all you can enable your kiosk, or at least start managing its opening. Once the collection processes have been completed, you will now have to register your kiosk as a social asset within an established policy. That is, register your services before a legal notary.
This registration can be done in any administration in the country, in this case in the state where you are. Will have to comply with the requirements and keep them up to date, since if any are missing you will not be able to make an appointment with the authorities to open your business. Although, if it is easier for you, you can make the appointment by phone.
Make an appointment to register your kiosk by phone
These appointments are planned by an executive who manages the paperwork of any independent registry. They are also in charge of validating the sales certificates, that is, if you want to set up a kiosk you will have to make this appointment. These meetings are usually scheduled on Mondays and Wednesdays with prior notice.
Although, the meeting times between the client and the executive It is raised according to the needs of both. You should also have the requirements at hand, as they will be requested by the executive at the aforementioned appointment. However, if you have questions about this, you can learn more by clicking here.
With this last paragraph we finish this section of requirements, however we will be mentioning below the documentation necessary to carry out the creation of your kiosk.
Documents for the Procedure
With the requirements in hand, you can proceed to collect the necessary documents to set up a kiosk. It should be noted that this procedure is different depending on your residential status; that is, if you are a foreigner or a native citizen. Documentation is required for both, and it will be detailed below:
- Carry out the technical paperwork for the order.
- Have complied with the inspection and have its validation in writing.
- Certification signed and stamped by the corresponding body to which it is linked as registration.
- Have the signed Environmental Aptitude document.
- Have the previously mentioned requirements.
The inspection is carried out by the person in charge of the organization that corresponds to its registration as a business. This process usually takes one to two weeks depending on how busy you are in executive. Nevertheless, it is a mandatory process since at the end it will give you a document with which you can enable your kiosk.
On the other hand, it is certification of environmental suitability which is a course that is carried out by the governmental state to ensure that those in charge of directing or managing the business are capable of providing a quality service and kindness. However, you can read more about this by going to the Web page.
Technical parcel paperwork
The technical procedures are those raised by the administrative notary. These are usually in charge of collecting personal information from those in charge of the kiosk to create a record and thus census the established business. So if you want to set up a kiosk in Argentina, you will have to carry out such paperwork.
These requirements are basic and easy to achieve, you just have to dedicate time and organization. Once the documentation is done you can do your business clearance without further ado. However, here are some recommendations so that you can be successful in your kiosk and generate more income:
- Choose a good location so that customers can easily access.
- Have on hand a list of the products to sell.
- Have a price list attached to the kiosk.
- Get exclusive sponsors to improve the variety of products.
Success is in being informed and following the aforementioned instructions to the letter. Since if it does not comply with the requirements to enable a kiosk, it will be difficult for the authorities to offer an approval of the business.
How is the process to Enable a Kiosk?
We will mention you all the steps to follow that you should keep in mind to enable the kiosk, in addition to some requirements that you will need as the process progresses:
1.Make some considerations
This is in addition to what was previously established: location, prices, products, and exclusivity. The more considerations you make in this regard in terms of improving your business, the faster it will be enabled.
2.Have all the established requirements at hand
That is, for this step it will be to collect everything mentioned. We are talking about the procedures for inspection and the requirements for consulting. As you reconcile all these documents, the faster you will manage your business.
3.Raise and search for a clerk
A clerk is like an inspector but with greater importance, since he will be in charge of carrying the certification of his kiosk. It will also validate all the processes of your sales to the consumer.
Four.Register your kiosk account at AGC
The first thing to do in this step is to register by clicking here. Once inside, you will only have to fill in the requested information with your personal information.
5.Once all the documentation is complete, you must now submit it
In the last step, you will only have to collect all the documentation collected and deliver it to the corresponding administration or to the inspector in charge of setting up your kiosk.
Kiosko or Maxikiosko?
This is a question that all users ask. One way or another both they fulfill the same function; provide their services to society. At this point we could already say that both They are in demand, but they are differentiated by very specific things or characteristics, these are:
The kiosk sells sweets, trinkets, food and other types of products without there being access by the public itself. Usually the service is provided through a window and instead the maxikiosko sells the same products, with the difference that this does provide access to the public.
Requirements to Enable a Kiosk: Cost
The amount to evaluate the qualification of a kiosk is ephemeral, since it is possible to create a small business or a larger one. However, the overall cost to create a kiosk is 200,000 Argentine pesos, including the capital to invest in the products. On the other hand, you have to take into account the cost of printing the paperwork.
However, in Argentina there are banks that make loans to enable the kiosk. But this will depend on your relationship or affiliation with the bank. If you want to know more about the price and the different payment methods, you can enter the page of the state where you are and consult.
What is a Kiosk?
Simply put, a kiosk is a self-service business that allows users to purchase products at their convenience and pace. What a kiosk brings to the table is a fully immersive and interactive experience. The business maintains the interest of users and is also comfortable because it can be found anywhere.
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