Requirements to present the ICFES: Documents, Call dates and MORE

For all those interested in presenting the ICFES test, the following will be detailed requirements to present the ICFES assessment.

The ICFES more than an evaluation platform seeks to qualify the knowledge of students by taking Saber tests.

The evaluations applied by this Institution are not only for high school graduates if not then professionals in different areas of knowledge.

The objective main of these evaluations, is to be able to obtain statistics general throughout the Colombian territory, on education in the country to improve.

The information about the tests you can search in the ICFES web portal, and the detail is obtained in the interactive link of the institution.

Requirements to present the ICFES

Within the requirements to present the ICFES, the first is the record in the interactive web portal from high school.

That is why the step-by-step for individual registration is detailed below:

  1. Access the portal interactive web ICFES and register as stated later in this article.
  2. Later access the link sent to your e-mail and finish the registration carefully by correctly completing the required data in the system.
  3. During the dates of calls to your email, confirmation will be sent of the inscription.
  4. You must make the payment, if the Sena does not cancel the registration, your email will be receiving the payment code.
  5. To do the pay, can be done at the bank Davivienda or through online payment.
  6. The detail of the rates to pay is found on the ICFES web portal, access the exam option, select the level of education and finally the test details will appear on the screen.
  7. If he pay You do it through the bank, you must deliver the receipt that came to your e-mail with the payment code, in the banking agency.
  8. In case of presenting any inconsistency in your data, you can make the corresponding modification with your username and password, otherwise you must contact ICFES through the telephone number indicated on the web portal.

It is important to mention some recommendations before taking the exam:

  • Arrive on time indicated or a little earlier, otherwise you will not be able to enter the test.
  • Verify very well the location of where will present your proof.
  • The minimum time stay for the presentation is two hours.
  • No you can enter to the exam with cell phone or other electronic devices.

Necessary documents

The documents necessary to complete the registration are indicated below:

  1. Identity card for applicants over 18 years of age.
  2. Identity card, in the case of applicants under 18 years of age.
  3. Foreign ID for resistant foreigners in Colombia.
  4. Processing with photo and fingerprint issued by the registry, for people whose identity document is in process or process.
  5. Judicial certification or valid passport in case of not having the aforementioned documents.
  6. Passport for non-residents in Colombia
  7. Document that certifies the process in process of the identity card, issued for the first time accompanied by the identity card.

It is important to mention that whoever does not carry a ID, You will not be able to present the proof since photocopies of the same are not accepted.

Likewise, if for any reason the applicant misplaces identity documents, you must submit the loss report issued by the competent authorities.

How to register at ICFES?

Below is the step by step to register in ICFES:

  • The first step in registering is the user creation, for which you must enter the ICFES interactive link,
  • Once on the link click on the option «Entering PRISMA«, You will find on the left on the option« Frequent Questions System ».
  • Upon entering Prisma, a new window will open where is it located the login for registered individuals or schools.
  • Just below the login are the options for: Create User-Person; Create User-School, Forgot your password? and Forgot your username?
  • If the registration is carried out by a person, the option to take is: Create User – Person.
  • In the event that the registration is carried out by a school, the option to take is: Create User – School.

The following will be indicated Steps following for the user «Person«:

  • By selecting the user creation as person, a new window opens with the terms and conditions that the user must accept to continue with the registration.
  • When the user person clicks the continue button, a new window opens requesting the user’s registration data: Document type and number, first and second name and first and second last name.
  • After entering the user data, the system will continue with the prompts to finish the registration.

The following will be indicated Steps following for the user «College«:

  • In the case of selecting the creation of the school user, a new window opens with two aspects, for which the user has to choose between two options: «Continue» and «Close».
  • By selecting the «Continue» option, a new window will open requesting the DANE code to continue the registration.

Call dates

The registration dates for the ICFES 2020 evaluations, They were postponed and renewed due to security measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

That is why for the students who did not reach register Before the measure taken by ICFES, they can do so from the day April 20, 2020.

It is essential to remember that the procedures from the beginning, Until the date of publication of notes are in the portal ICFES website, atyes like, the requirements to present the ICFES.

In this sense the start date of the procedures, according to the new calendar is April 20, 2020 and the end date or publication of notes is October 24, 2020.

Likewise, according to information issued by ICFES, the presentation is the Sunday, August 9, 2020.

It is important to remember that the inscriptions tests are done through the ICFES interactive link.

Also for more information you can contact the call center that is in the same link, which can be called from anywhere in the Colombian territory.

Moreover, as suggestion: «Students must prepare for the exam, thus achieving the qualification that guarantees entry to the university.»

How to request the ICFES Result?

All results can be reviewed at through the ICFES website, in all its classifications:

  • Pre know 11.
  • Know 11.
  • Know how to evaluate teachers.
  • Validation of baccalaureate.
  • Exam know pro.
  • Test teaching directors.
  • English teachers exam.

Now how check the result Of the test? Below is the step by step:

  1. The download and consultation of the test already presented will be requested through the ICFES interactive link, clicking on the result.
  2. You must choose the test presented, in the result to consult, click on individual result.
  3. Select the period in which the test was presented.
  4. To view and save the exam, you must enter the type and number of the document with which the exam was registered or the record that was assigned to the test.

If the student don’t remember the numbers of documents with which you made the registration, you can consult them through the SPN registry.

On the other hand, ICFES informs that the evaluations will be certified and validated by the institute, in order to advance any management.

For all ICFES procedures, it recommends use browsers Google Chrome and Internet Explorer 8.1, for a better experience.

Requirements to present the ICFES What is the ICFES?

ICFES is an institution that offers assessment services at all levels and helps in the administration of the exams.

In addition, this institution carries out knowledge explorations that contribute to improving the educational standard, in order to offer information to improve more and more when evaluating.

ICFES has an efficient platform, since its inception was created to evaluate to students who were in the last year of high school.

Therefore, in order to present the exam, all applicants to present the evaluation must have the necessary requirements to present the ICFES.

It is because of that for many universities ICFES evaluation is part of their admission processes.

The exam or test consists of questions asked about different areas of knowledge: math, language arts, social studies, biology, chemistry, physics, philosophy, and English.

The types of questions are alternate, they can be classified into two groups:

  1. Multiple-choice with only answers, they are questions that contain several answers and only one is correct.
  2. Multiple-choice, with several valid answers, they are used for mathematics and language, they are questions of affirmative or negative or of four options and the student can mark those that he considers valid.

That is why the student must prepare well for the exam, in order to approach the best result and in this way guarantee the entrance to the university.

It is important to mention that whoever does not carry identification, does not may present the proof since photocopies of the same are not accepted.

Likewise, if for any reason the applicant misplace documents identity card, you must file the loss report issued by the competent authorities.

On the other hand, the ICFES informs that the evaluations will be certified and validated by the institute, in order to advance any management.


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