Requirements to Vote in Colombia: How is the Process, Importance and MORE

This article will explain what they are Voting requirements In colombia where the step-by-step below will be highlighted. Keep reading!

Voting is a right that each person has in choosing the candidate they want. That is why voting is important for there to be an organization in the nation.

Once the citizen chooses the changes he wants in the country, it is enough. Therefore, it is important that citizens know what the Voting requirements In colombia.

Requirements to Vote in Colombia

It is important that Colombians know what the requirements are to vote, so that on voting day they are clear about what they have to do when casting their vote. The requirements to vote in Colombia are as follows:

  1. The citizen must be older than 18 years-old , must be included in the electoral roll.
  2. The voter must register their identity card at the polling place of their choice weeks ago, through the National Registry of Civil Status.
  3. The people who must register the identity card are citizens who have moved to another place of residence, in order to allow voting.
  4. All the people who have the expired ID at the year 1988 and have not voted in any election 20 years ago.
  5. Foreigners to vote must be over 18 years of age and have their Foreigner ID where they show that they live in Colombian territory.
  6. Foreigners only have the right to vote through regional and departmental elections.
  7. Also foreigners to vote must be approximately 5 years old with their resident visa.

Requirements for Government elections

Regional elections are those in which citizens elect regional delegates such as:

  1. Governors of each department
  2. Deputies
  3. Mayors of municipalities
  4. Councilors
  5. Mayor Mayor

It is important to emphasize that with the 1991 Constitution of Colombia, the popular election was established to elect the governors.

The first choice regarding governors was in 1992 .

All candidates have been elected through universal suffrage every 4 years.

To vote in government elections, the requirements to vote in are the same as the previous point. These requirements are as follows:

  1. The citizen must be older than 18 years-old where it should be included in the electoral roll.
  2. The voter must register their identity card in the polling place of their preference weeks ago, through the National Registry of Civil Status.
  3. The people who must register the identity card are citizens who have moved to another place of residence, in order to allow voting.
  4. All the people who have the previously issued ID of the year 1988 and have not voted in any election 20 years ago.
  5. Also foreigners to vote must be approximately 5 years old with their resident visa.
  6. Foreigners only have the right to vote through regional and departmental elections.

Voting Sites in Colombia

It is very important that citizens take into account in finding out where they will vote. That is why, when they have scheduled an election, the person must enter the official website of the National Registry of Civil Status.

Upon entering the page you will find a box that mentions check your polling place, then you will have to put your identity card number. Then you will have to choose which elections you will vote for and will be asked to consult.

The page will show you information regarding the place or site where you registered your identity card, with your respective address and the table that you have to vote.

If the citizen is voting for the first time, he must register his identity card in the National Registry of Civil Status. Citizens can attend any venue of their choice, and they work from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The procedure is to wait your turn, the person who will attend you will show you the vacant voting places where you can choose the one that is closest to your home.

If in the end it did not give you the chance to register to be clear about where you will vote, it is that it will be the place where you will document for the first time. But if the citizen does not appear in the electoral roll, he will not be able to exercise his right to vote.

Through the website of the National Registrar of Civil Status, it will provide information about the periods for people to register their identity card.

Also to register you can go to Shopping Center, kiosks so you can process your registration so you can vote.

Foreigners must have their immigration card but be on the electoral roll.

Who can vote in Colombia?

The people who can exercise their right to vote are all Colombians from births who are 18 years of age or older.

Foreigners can also vote, but they must have been living in Colombia for at least 5 years and must have their immigration card. They can only vote in regional and departmental elections .

All citizens who are registered in the electoral roll can vote.

Colombians who are abroad can intervene through the national election as president or congress, but they do not participate in the selection of positions. Therefore, before reaching 18 years of age, you must complete the requirements to vote in Colombia.

People who cannot vote

The people who cannot vote are the citizens who are minors. That is, they are less than 18 years old.

Foreigners who do not have their immigration card they cannot choose through voting.

Citizens who have their identity card expired before 1988 and have not registered in the National Registry of Civil Status will not vote.

People who work in the public force may not exercise their right to vote while they continue in that active service.

How is the voting process?

When Election Day has arrived, citizens will have to perform the following steps below:

  1. Place their respective table to which it corresponds and introduce themselves.
  2. He gives his identity card to the member that makes up the respective table where he will verify if the data is correct.
  3. Other representatives will deliver to the voter the electoral cards depending on what choice is being made.
  4. The jury will explain that you can now go to the established place so that you can cast your vote.
  5. Mark with an x choosing your preference.
  6. In the event that you have made a mistake, you can ask the electoral members for a new card.
  7. You must be aware that the card where you made a mistake has been canceled.
  8. And finally, place the vote in the ballot box.
  9. When the process is complete, the member who attended you at the table will return your respective identity card. He will also give you a electoral certificate where you can prove that you voted satisfactorily and fulfilled your right.
  10. This certificate generates benefits for the voter through their collaboration.

People who are abroad and want to vote will only have to go to an embassy or consulate.

Review beforehand the requirements to vote in Colombia.

Benefits when casting your vote

Citizens who vote will have benefits for having fulfilled their right. Through Law 403 of 1997, Article n ° 3, the citizen will be able to enjoy half a day of rest compensated by a remuneration for the period that he / she has served as a voter.

Rest will contemplate following month on the day of the vote.

Why is it Important to Vote in Colombia?

Choice is one of the systems used for the provision of representation or management positions, consisting of the designation of the people who have obtained the votes considered by law as sufficient.

The vote is extremely important in every country. The secret ballot guarantees the independence of the elector, it is emitted by doubled ballots, so that the name of the voter does not appear.

For Colombians it is important that citizens exercise their right to vote freely, so that there is tranquility and harmony between the parties. By voting, they also show that each person has their own perception and people should not be forced to decide for each one.

The candidates, when chosen, must comply with the obligations regarding the people who chose them so that they provide all security to the Colombian people.

Colombians consider that voting is essential but not mandatory, that is, approximately the percentage of voters who cast their vote is 45%. Therefore, their vote regarding its Constitution is universal, secret, direct and optional.

Optional because they cannot force a citizen to vote because they limit his freedom as a Colombian citizen.

It is important that they understand that Requirements for vote In colombia They are essential to exercise your right.


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