UTN Scholarship Form: Steps, What It’s Good For and MORE

The UTN Scholarship Form, is a document that offers the National technical university to obtain a better alternative to study at this great university, being a great help to continue and complete your studies.

To have access to these university scholarships and continue with the studies to be a great professional, se needs certain expenses that are difficult to pay for a lot. In this article you can know all the steps that are important

Steps to Follow to Fill Out the UTN Scholarship Form

Education is a power of the UTN being an essential element in today’s society. Therefore, it is important to know the perfection how to fill out a form.

Above all, if it is a procedure as important as UTN scholarships. For a correct filling of the form is what guarantees the success of the process, also avoids having a problem due to bad data, delays and the problem.

One of the most important points is to know about this form, the online process, which makes it an important advantage today, due to technological advances and the world in which we live.

Important steps must be taken in order to proceed with the other requirements.

  • Mainly you must enter the web portal of the UTN
  • When entering the portal you must select in «Student Services» and from the list that is displayed «Scholarships and student benefits.»
  • The system goes to the section where the series of options it offers must be chosen.
  • Must be selected in «Socio-economic scholarships» the portal opens a new window where you indicate the conditions, requirements and more.

Now that the necessary indications are known, we bring you a way to understand much better and that the process is successful.

  • Enter the direct access , where should choose a UTN headquarters to make the appointment.
  • It is important to follow the directions and make the appointment
  • Then, you must have the entry to the direct access, offering the UTN the scholarship application
  • You must select the button Socioeconomic Scholarship and enter with the user data.
  • Immediately the F is presentedUTN Scholarship Form, where you must enter personal data, address, educational origin and more.
  • You can select each of the sections of the form, selecting in the name, example in «Personal information», but, in each option there is an icon next to it, if it appears in red, it does not have registration information.
  • As each part of the form is filled out, the system that shows you on the screen help messages or guides for the correct filling.
  • Completing the information must be selected in the option of «Save data» In each section it includes this option, which makes it easier to count on it at another time and not be doing the process from the beginning, since the information is already registered.

By having the entire form filled out. Also, it should be mentioned if there is an option in the menu, it has two symbols. When selecting the date, the option to add data will appear and automatically the options to add more than the button of «Save data»

Another information that is very important to know, is in the case of having modified some bad data, there is also the option as «Modify», «delete», «upgrade»

What is the UTN Scholarship Form for?

The scholarships that provide the most financial aid are created mainly with the objective to cover and satisfy the needs of the students, in relation to the educational process such as transportation, residence, supplies, and among other needs that may be considered limitations for the continuation of studies.

Many of these scholarships have great benefits, as specified in their name. On the other hand, the UTN has a program called Progresar, which by creating unifies all the government-created student scholarships.

In order to promote all young people to start a university career, continue in it and fending it successfully.

Promoting personal and professional growth in each student and at the same time seeking the development of the society believing in the power to educate.

If you want to know more about these scholarships in more depthYou can enter this official link where you can find more information.

Types of UTN Scholarships

There is a number of scholarships offered by this university, adapting to each of the needs and thinking of the student body.

We mention the types of scholarships offered by the UTN:

  • Economic scholarships
  • Income for academic excellence
  • Student residences help
  • Food: In this aid, students who are in a vulnerable economic situation are offered the purchase of food within the academic period.
  • Common economic
  • Specific economic benefits
  • For enrolled careers: For students who pursue a career where it is required to purchase materials, attend tours or other activities.
  • Financial aid for the purpose of academic tours

Additional Guidelines for Application

To obtain this type of scholarship, you must know the scholarship regulations issued by the UTN. It is important to know the laws or regulations of the procedure that you want to do so that it is completed by informing the subject.

The UTN Scholarship regulation is a regulation that includes all the necessary regulations to be included in the scholarship system and some benefits for students.

The regulation is divided in three titles, by which it is:

  • Title I: This corresponds to «general features», it is made up of 3 chapters, the first dealing with the scope of regulations describing in 5 articles.

In the articles, you can find: Scope of scholarships and benefits regulations, scholarships, benefits, objectives of the system and type of scholarships.

Finally, the chapter 3 by name «General provision of scholarships and benefits», This chapter contains 24 articles on the subject.

  • Title II: It is named after «Regulation of scholarships and benefits» It is made up of 3 chapters, chapter 1 deals with the requirements of scholarships and benefits, and has 5 articles on the subject.

At chapter number 2 talks about socio-economic scholarships, more about charities and is composed of 7 items.

Finally, the third chapter deals with the scholarships of the stimulus and has 12 articles.

  • Title II: Students on the regulation of benefits, is composed of a single chapter, which should have 13 articles that deal with the benefits of students.

What is it ?

The National technical university offers a number of scholarship programs for students, by which it responds to different needs of each of its enrollments, in order to obtain financial, service and even research aid.

Scholarships have been created in order purpose of toast Incentive help so that people can develop a better form in their studies.

Therefore, the UTN It has a range of programs so that those interested can choose, adapting to each need and requirement of any student.

It should be clear that there is a UTN scholarship calendar, the application for scholarships depends directly on the UTN Scholarship FormTherefore, it must be carried out in the periods specified in the university.

In the sense, it should be indicated that the calendar, quite broad, so it is recommends accessing this link, publishing in the UTN to know the dates.

To obtain it in this way, it offers a number of advantages where it can be downloaded and printed from your order to have it on hand, if necessary.

Hopefully this article has been of great help to achieve the goal of obtaining this UTN Scholarship Form and having an opportunity at this university.

We are in an era of growth and each person looks for a way to enter this type of university to achieve certain objectives.

The UTN offers many scholarships that are very helpful to all undergraduate and graduate students, and for this reason, we have been interested in helping more people to join.

Studies are a very important source of investment and that everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy.

Each experience is different and that is why the General Directorate of University Administration has thought of all those students who dream of having a career.


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