Having a good credit history gives you the opportunity to increase the chances of get good credit. Especially when you request a mortgage or automobile, since financial institutions use it as a report to find out a little more about your ability and habits to pay.
So if you do not have the slightest idea of how you can check your history to have a better scenario before requesting a loan, keep reading, we will help you obtain that information.
How do I know if I have bank debts?
This application helps you to know if you have any debt in the financial system, no matter what entity it is.
Enter the website and consult with your IC Or just your name.
What is ASFI
is the financial system supervisory authority and takes care of regulate and supervise the financial system in our country.
The ASFI protects your savings and takes care of the stability of the financial system. It is the one that takes care of prevail your rights as a financial consumer and promotes that entities provide you with quality care.
Keys to know the credit history
These are the keys so that a person knows if he owes money or not, to a financial institution.
- Request: The request can be made in two credit information bureaus that are in the country, as well as in the ASFI
It is of the utmost importance that people know their credit history very well so as not to have any surprises in credits or debts that they did not contract.
- Prices: This procedure does not have any cost once a year, but if you need the history once it has a cost of Bs. 8.35 in INFOCRED and Bs.20 in finconter
- Time: The credit history in BIC will be maintained for about 5 years. Other people outside the history can consult the credit report of a person or a company, unless they have authorization.
- Company: Each everything is requested and used by financial institutions, banks, cooperatives, among others. This service is always requested with a specific permission of the client in question.
- Rule: The BIC They have the power to store, collect, process and consolidate information related to the financial system.
- Central: The main source of information for the information bureau is the credit information center of the ASFI which records the credit operations of each of the regulated financial entities.
- Documents: The admitted to know his history of debts should go to one of the BICtake with you a photocopy of your identity card and an authorization form.
For more information you can visit the website: Click here.
What is the Blue List
It is a part of the policies that are established in the financial services laws the law 393 which was implemented as of August 2013 and gradually they have been drawing rules and regulations so that the financial consumer mainly benefits.
This is a database, a registry where the consumers of the financial system are located, which includes the best clients, that is, those who are up to date with their accounts.
There is also a black list where people who do not pay their debts up to date enter.
Benefits of being on the Blue List
These are the benefits established according to the established rules that can be negotiated with banks:
- A lower interest rate
- Refinancing only if the client has problems
- credit term
- Better conditions in guarantees requested by banks
- Grace periods requested by banks
- An increase in the amount of credit
- Payments of notary fees by financial institutions
- Credit life insurance discounts
How to know if you are on the Blue List
Luis Arce I point out that people who have credit in banks, have the facility to approach them and request that they enter the credit information center of ASFI for the control and verification of being qualified to be on the Blue list.
The ASFI will review your credit history and each of the fulfillment of the payment requirements of each installment, will be entered into the blue list
What is the Credit Bureau?
It is a credit information society and what it is dedicated to is collecting information from the companies that provide it, they can be from the financial center such as banks and also the companies that grant credit in the form of services that report to the bureau.
To know the things you have in your credit bureau record, it is by requesting the special credit report, which is free once every 12 months.
How to check your credit bureau history?
Steps to check your report in Internet
first you must enter the Web. Once inside you must go to the menu and press the option that says “special credit report”
Another page will appear with the following information:
Once on the price page where it says Get my report now!
Subsequently, you should read the information that will come out before you very carefully. which will tell you aboutl Credit bureau and it will ask you to have your last statement of your current credit card. If you currently have a mortgage or car loan, you must have your credit number and institution on hand as well.
Now still in process
On the next page, select a box to authorize the credit bureau to consult your history and if you want it to be accompanied by ME SCORE This is a service that measures the elements of your credit history, it also reflects the level of credit management performance.
MY SCORE It is not free, if you do not want it, do not press the box.
So once you press continueand do not want MY SCOREthe page that appears after this will remind you of all the benefits that this has, to continue you must place no thanks.
The credit bureau already has all the required information, to continue enter the security code they ask for.
Once you have everything ready, you can see your report. You can download it in PDF or enter an email account where you want to send it.
You also have the possibility of requesting this report by phone, email, going to the service center, text message, fax or postal mail.
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