Medical certificate? process it in Spain

Documentation, now more than ever, has taken on great importance for citizens, and more so in a planet that lives interconnected, for this reason It is a requirement to always keep in mind which are the most important documents that you must have on hand with you if you want to access all the benefits … Leer más

Steps and Requirements to collect Unemployment

Did you become unemployed? don’t be discouraged.…while you land a new job, learn the Requirements to collect Unemployment offered by the Spanish Social Security. ohKeep reading our article! Requirements to collect Unemployment In order to collect unemployment or the «unemployment benefit» as it is also known, you will first have to comply with the following … Leer más

Requirements to import from China to Ecuador

Many people do not dare to start the import process with Chinese products because they do not know the steps to follow. Since we contact a supplier, until we have the merchandise in our hands, the procedure can be extensive and specific, this will depend on factors such as customs, our same supplier, etc. Requirements … Leer más

How to know CNT number: Steps to follow

While it is true that technology over the years It has evolved in unimaginable ways. From sending a simple text message, the special effects of a movie to a personal assistant inside your smartphone. Currently this technology It becomes very essential for the human being., due to the fact that it manages to make life … Leer más

How to know my RUC: Query and steps to follow

The good administration and organization of a country It is essential for it to develop efficiently. Likewise, there must be adequate policies within for the proper functioning of the nation’s economy. One of the measures implemented in almost all countries worldwide are tax policies or tax rates. Thanks to this measure have been able to … Leer más

How to know Date of Birth: Civil Registry

As characteristic of the human being and of each nation, every day new people die and are born. This is a fundamental part of a city or nation for the formation of new generations. Birth rates worldwide are usually very varied since they are subject to the capacity of the geographical space. turn too It … Leer más

How to know balance in Claro: Recharges

For humanity, technology represents one of the focal issues for the development of a country. In turn, it forms a fundamental part to carry out the different tasks of our daily routine. Since the invention of mobile phones we simply have not been able to separate ourselves from them. In addition, currently thanks to the … Leer más