Requirements to Register with the Treasury

7 minutos de lectura

In Mexico, a primary requirement to achieve business success is to be up to date with state obligations, which will undoubtedly give you the opportunity to enjoy certain benefits, such as acquiring financing, acquiring credits, among others.

This will help you develop effectively in the business field if you are an entrepreneur, or if you want to be a freelancer.

One of the most important state obligations is register with the Treasury, what you can do with your Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC) and will open the doors of success to your business; whether it is a physical or virtual store, avoiding fines and being a candidate for possible credits granted by the Treasury to small, medium and large entrepreneurs. Find out here the requirements to register with the Treasury.

How to register with the Treasury?

Registering in Mexico consists of registering with the Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC). It is a procedure that is done in two stageswhere the first one is pre-register on the page website of the Tax Administration Service.

To do this, you must provide your personal data, such as: full name, unique Population Registry code (CURP), nationality, sex, date of birth and the document that will be used to verify said information (birth certificate, passport, among others). others).

Later you must specify what type of taxpayer you will represent for the Treasury, which can be: Individual, Moral Person, and Small Taxpayer.

The unique key of Population Registry (CURP)is a system that allows the individual registration of all the inhabitants of Mexico, whether they are people born in the aforementioned country, resident foreigners, or Mexicans who live in other countries, therefore, it is considered as the fundamental requirement to access the procedures and services offered by the Public Administration.

Additionally, it must fill out a questionnaire where the type of income received is specified (salaries, fees, interest, rent, among others), and the frequency with which you receive it (daily, weekly, monthly).

The next step will be to answer the questions. where you will detail if any type of staff will be hired that depends directly on the income received from the exercise of the economic activity to which the business will be dedicated.

Finally, to complete the process, you must request an appointment at one of the SAT offices through the website, or you can go to the offices in person, take your turn, and wait to be attended.

It is important to mention that once you have requested the appointment through the website, you only have ten days to complete the process of registering with the Treasury.

Requirements to Register as a Natural Person

A natural person for the Tax Administration Service (SAT), is an individual that can be dedicated to: provide services, carry out commercial activities, rent real estate, work for wages, among others. Said commercial activity will determine the type of tax regime it must adopt.

Among them, the following can be mentioned: Salaried, fees, tenants, business activities, tax incorporation regime.

Complying with legal obligations will allow you to fulfill the commercial responsibilities acquired by belonging to the guild of entrepreneurs. To register with the Treasury as a legal person in Mexico, the requirements are as follows:

  • request an appointment; for this you must have your CURP at hand, enter the SAT official pagepre-register in the RFC and schedule your appointment in the corresponding module, and print the receipt.
  • Proof of tax domicile.
  • Valid identification document with photograph.
  • Certified copy of the birth certificate.
  • Electronic signature request.
  • Current immigration certificate or naturalization letter (if foreigners).

The documents mentioned above must be recorded digitallysaved on a storage device, must not have amendments and must be legible.

The FAITHFUL (electronic signature), is a mechanism used by the Tax Administration System to provide security to online transactions carried out by the natural person, in case of not having it, the precautions to obtain it are the following:

  • Front photograph.
  • Photograph of the Iris of the eye.
  • Fingerprints.
  • Autograph Signature.
  • The documentation mentioned above.

Requirements to Register with the Treasury as a Legal Person

A moral person for the SAT It is a group of people who come together for a specific can be, for example, a commercial company or a civil association.

In accordance with its purpose before the society in which it operates, a moral person can pay taxes in two ways different: as moral persons of the general regime and personal morals non-profit.

For cancel you as a moral person in the Treasury, the collections are the following:

  • Constituent document duly formalized.
  • Original proof of fiscal domicile.
  • Notarized power certifying the legal representative of the company, or, failing that, a letter duly signed before two witnesses or before a notary public.
  • Valid identification with photograph, issued by government authorities.
  • Birth Certificate.
  • Proof of pre-registration obtained from the official page.
  • Certificate of electronic signature as a natural person.

The requirements mentioned above must be presented in digital format, stored in a storage device, in turn, the documentation must also be consigned in certified copies, without amendments or erasures to ensure its legibility.

Requirements to Register as a Small Taxpayer in the Treasury

For Mexico and its Tax System, a small taxpayer is that natural person who carries out business activities, but it has little administrative capacity. To carry out the procedure The documents to be filed are the following:

  • Proof of registration in RFC
  • Obligations Guide.
  • Photocopy of the application.
  • Proof of identification or proof of registration.
  • Copy of personal identification document.
  • Copy of proof of residence, it can be: receipt of services, such as electricity, telephone, among others.
  • Birth Certificate (in which case of being a natural person)
  • Constitutive Act (in case of being a moral person)

When making the appointment request, you will only have ten days later to attend the corresponding Tax Assistance offices beforehand.

Requirements to Register a Company in the Treasury

For the SAT a company can be represented by: Physical persons (with commercial or business activity), moral persons, corporations, Civil Society. To successfully register your company You must submit the following documents:

  • Proof of the appointment requested through the SAT portal.
  • Determine the scheme in which you want to register.
  • Certified birth certificate of the legal representative of the organization.
  • Proof of fiscal domicile.
  • Company charter.

What is Treasury?

It’s a state ministry subscribed to the federal public administration specifically in charge of the tax collection, financial administration and control of public spending resources in Mexicoas well as overseeing that the regulations applied to banking and securities institutions are fully complied with.

Its primary function is lead and audit the economic policy of the Federal Government, as well as being in charge of making statistics and information, in order to strengthen the country’s economy, always seeking its successful growth, which provides the population with well-being and economic stability.

What is the Treasury Registry for?

There are several reasons why it is necessary to register or register with the Treasury, the main one is because your company will be free of finesfollowed by facilitates the hiring of the organization because you will be working formally and you will be able to carry out fundamental transactions.

These can be: deduct invoices, receive tax refunds, credit business assets, and last but not least, you will have Greater presence with customers.

On the other hand, organizations registered with the Tax Administration Service (SAT) that comply with tax obligations have the possibility of enjoy certain economic benefits such as the opportunity to acquire lines of credit to finance your growth.

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For Mexico the Being registered in the SAT is essential to be able to be hired by other organizations within the is in charge of overseeing the tax affairs of the country and in turn gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to enjoy credits that allow them to increase or maintain their businesses stable within the market in which they operate.

This guarantees the general population well-being and economic stabilityat the same time that the different taxpayers are being encouraged to undertake but fully complying with the laws, especially the one that refers to the tax issue, taking into account that the income and public expenses incurred in the country are derived from it.

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