Food handling certificate in Venezuela

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If you are in need of obtaining a Food Handling Certificate, this is the right place. Here the importance of obtaining a document like this will be explained, the steps that must be followed, information that the document has, the cost to issue it, the issuance time and much more. So don’t worry! We will make sure that even the smallest detail is understood without any problem.

Every person who wants to work in the food industry needs a Food Handling Certificate.

Since handling food is a sensitive issue and certain parameters must be followed for its care

So what is a Food Handler Certificate?

It is a document that guarantees the ability of a person to work in contact with food. Their work areas can be the handling of food during its preparation, manufacturing. It is also suitable for work in transformation, processing, packaging, storage, transport, distribution, sale, supply and service.


To obtain any certificate, requirements are necessary which vary according to the type of certificate. On this occasion, for Food Handling Certificates, it is important to comply with only one

Basically, to be able to opt for a Food Handling Certificate you have to be of legal age. There are courses for the little ones but they are very basic. If you really want to cover the subject in depth, it is advisable to take the adult course. Of course, when registering, they request the identity card of the person to take the course and that is when they verify the age of the applicant.

Steps to follow

There are different ways to obtain the Food Handling Certificate, these ways are as follows:

  • The office of the Autonomous Health Comptroller Service gives a course on food handling. It is a course taught by the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and it is totally free. Being a course dictated by the government, it is endorsed by all companies in the food area nationwide. It should be noted that being a government course, places are very limited. Therefore, it is necessary to be very attentive to the places available in it and the dates of registration for the course.
  • Another way to obtain this certificate is by enrolling in courses taught by private companies. These have a cost to be able to do them but for the most part the quality of the course is excellent. These companies are endorsed by the government to teach the course. Some companies that teach the course will be added below: Mariano Moreno Higher Institute, Celiacs, MultiSkill
  • In the same way, courses can be done virtually. The cost of this type of modality can vary, they can have a cost or they can also be free. In some courses it is required to pay in order to obtain the course certificate, and it will be the applicant’s decision which type of course to choose.

Who issues the certificate?

This will depend on the institution that is decided to take the course to obtain the Food Handling Certificate. The important thing is to take the course with an institution that is endorsed and recognized nationally or internationally. Since if the course is taken but if it is not endorsed or recognized, time would be wasted.

What does the document certify?

The Food Handling Certificate, as its name suggests, certifies a person’s ability to handle food in a work area in the food area. For example, restaurants, butchers, delicatessens, food production companies, etc.

In addition, with the completion of this course you will have knowledge about:

  • General notions of microorganisms and agents that contaminate food
  • food preservation
  • Illnesses that can be transmitted by food
  • Hygienic food handling
  • Personal hygiene
  • food storage
  • Correct distribution of food

Does it have any cost?

As mentioned above, the cost will depend on where you decide to take the course for the Food Handling Certificate. If it is done in a government entity, that is, the office of the Autonomous Health Comptroller Service, it will be totally free. You will only have to pay for the transfer and food.

However, if it is done in a private entity, either in person or virtually, it will have a participation cost. In the case of face-to-face, both the classes and the certificate will be charged. But in the virtual the cost of the certificate will be charged, it is up to the applicant to pay or not for the certificate

How long does it take to issue?

In face-to-face courses, the certificates will already be on hand when the course is finished. Therefore, as soon as the course begins, the organization will take the time from the beginning of it. This has the benefit of the physical certificate

In the same way it happens with the virtual courses, if you decide to pay to obtain the certificate, it will be obtained right at the end of it. The certificate will be sent virtually (by mail) and will have to be printed on behalf of the person who took the course. On the other hand, if the certificate is not paid, nothing will be sent to the mail, only the knowledge obtained from the course will be enjoyed. For this reason it is always important to have notes and notes regarding the topics that are explained.

What is the Food Handling Certificate used for?

The Food Handling Certificate works for those who want to work in a company that handles food. The sectors that can be worked are:

  • Delicatessen, fishmongers and butchers: People who want to work in this type of business need this certificate. Well, you work with fresh food, which requires special care in its handling. In these businesses, a series of strict hygiene regulations must be followed.
  • Waiters and Chefs: People who work in restaurants must know the safety routines for food and thus avoid toxins in it.
  • Food vendors and distributors: They must have the knowledge of how to correctly distribute food. Temperature, adequate speed, recommended distances etc.

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