Food Handling Certificate: Requirements, Steps and MORE

7 minutos de lectura

In Venezuela, businesses that provide food goods or services need to possess the Food Handling Certificate. They need it to be able to establish their business legally, because their trade is related to a good that can be very delicate in health terms. These types of businesses must comply with certain protocols to preserve health.

Food is goods that enter the body of customers, therefore, a service or a food item that does not comply with good care. It can become detrimental to the lives of diners, in that sense, businesses must comply with the necessary protocols.

Good nutrition is a fundamental basis for good health conditions.

Requirements to Obtain the Food Handling Certificate

Despite being a document, it seems to be unnecessary and involves a tedious process. We must focus on the good things, the positive is that its acquisition is very simple. This starts from the fact that the requirements to acquire the certificate are extremely simple.

The process to acquire it is also, if you want to know about how to obtain it, we suggest you read the next section. Next, we name you the list of requirements and we describe each one of them, we indicate the obligation and function of each one of them.

  • Be of legal age: it is the main requirement to be able to acquire it.
  • Food handling courses: despite not being a mandatory requirement in certain cases, it could facilitate obtaining it.
  • Laminated identity card: required in order to verify the applicant’s age.

The compulsory nature of the food handling course will depend on the functions you perform in the business premises. Let us remember that the certificate is not for the business as such, but for its employees. Therefore, a person who simply dispatches food does not necessarily need it.

On the contrary, a person in charge of preparing and storing the food that customers are going to eat. They will necessarily need the certificate, otherwise the regulator could apply trade sanctions.

However, it should be clarified that the people who have taken the course can perform or work in any area of ​​the trade they want. The simple fact of complying with the course certifies that they are suitable for handling food in any of its phases.

Steps to Follow to Obtain the Food Handling Certificate

The process to acquire the certificate is very simple, but you must bear in mind that it may vary depending on the interests of the applicant. Because there are two possible methods to obtain the certificate and despite the fact that the objective is the same.

The implications of one method and another are very different, from the knowledge it leaves on us, the cost and even the duration of the process. Without further ado, below is the list of the two ways to obtain the certificate.

  • The first is to go to the offices of the Autonomous Service of Sanitary Controllership. This institution is in charge of maintaining stable and protecting the health of citizens. If you request the process at this institution, you will not need to take the course.
  • Take the food handling course: after completing the academic load of the course and passing it. You will automatically obtain the valid certificate to work in the food sector. The course can be done in person or virtual.

By any of these methods, you can acquire the certificate. However, their implications are different, because one involves learning about health and the other does not. But as indicated, it will depend on the interests of the applicant.

However, in the section of costs and duration of the procedure You will be able to observe all the implications of carrying out one procedure or another. Because some methods are free and others are not, but the duration on the other hand is a factor that also varies a lot.

What is the Food Handling Certificate for?

The certificate has some direct functions and others a little indirect. Let’s start with the indirect ones, as for these, it can be said that the state only seeks to make sure that people know the foods they use and that they also know what could happen if they do not take proper care of you.

That is, that people know or know, that poor food care can cause harm to other people. Therefore, the indirect function would be to preserve the health and sanitary conditions of the country. As for the direct ones, it can be said that they are related to the learning of the food handler.

Therefore, the certificate serves or works so that those people who took the course have diverse knowledge about food and the best techniques to treat them. Thus avoiding that they can be toxic or harmful to others.

In the next section you will learn about the skills that those who take the course acquire, the knowledge that is acquired is very interesting. They could even be attractive as personal and non-professional training.

Food Handling Courses in Venezuela

As has been commented, these courses seek to instruct people on the best techniques in food preparation. But they also provide information about how they are composed and what other organisms could harm them.

The following is the list of skills that those who completed the course have:

  • Know the best storage methods.
  • Hygiene and personal hygiene techniques for handling food.
  • Correct ways to distribute food goods and services.
  • Know the different diseases that can generate poorly treated food.
  • Know agents that can contaminate food.
  • Among others.

The concepts and learnings mentioned in the list can be very positive and very useful in our visas. That’s why many experts recommend that people do it, even if the purpose is not to work in a position that involves handling food.

Costs and Duration of the Procedure

The cost and duration of the procedure are factors that, obviously, are related to the form or process that we follow to obtain the process. In case of contacting the regulatory body for these issues, which is called «Autonomous Service of the Sanitary Comptroller’s Office»

In case of processing the document before this institution, there would be no cost and the duration would be a maximum of three (3) business days. The duration consists in the evaluation of the application and in the printing or issuance of the same, the negative of carrying out this process is that people do not acquire the knowledge that is fundamental.

On the other hand, if people take the course to obtain the certificate, the cost and duration will depend on the institution. To be more specific, the duration will depend on or is related to the study plan with which the institution works.

Although this process carries costs, through it people acquire knowledge. Which is very important for the good performance of the business or to prepare healthy dishes at home. Any knowledge acquired will always be very positive for our lives.

What is the Food Handling Certificate?

In this section we will dedicate ourselves to explaining what the document means, what it represents or accredits and we will relate it to its functions. If you still do not know the functions and what the certificate is for, we suggest you read the previous sections, since it is related to this section.

In principle, you should know what the document is as such. The Food Handling Certificate It is a document that certifies that the subscribers know the basic rules for handling food. Therefore, your products or services can be trusted.

But many wonder, how is it possible for a document to certify good food handling? Only people who have taken the course and who also demonstrate that they are capable or have skills for proper food handling will obtain it.

The health impact that this protocol can have can be very positive. Since, through this regulation, the regulatory body ensures that the people in charge of the businesses Food companies have the capabilities of having a healthy food processing.

Healthy food processing encompasses not only food preparation or processing functions. Rather, it includes each and every one of the stages that food goes through, from production and storage to its sale.

We must remember that these types of products enter the body of other people, if they are not treated with due care. It could cause serious injury or illness to diners, this is where the purpose of the document and its impact lie.

We are what we eat, don’t forget

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