How to know the RIF of a company: Find out everything you need to know

The time has come to expand your tax culture. In How to know the RIF of a company: Find out everything you need to know, you will be able to know some important information about the RIF. Who does it apply to and how to get it?

What is SENIAT?

In the year of 1994behind the Unification of the Customs of Venezuelaof Autonomous Service or AVSA and the National Tax Administration Service or SENAT, the National Integrated Customs and Tax Administration Service is foundedbetter known by its acronym as the SENIAT.

This body’s main function is to generate facilities and control so that the collection of different taxes or tributes are carried out in a timely and correct manner.

Generating an improvement in collection throughout the Venezuelan country.

At the same time, you must create strategies or campaigns to make taxpayers aware of the importance of complying with these duties.

Decreasing tax evasion and reducing tax debts.

It has always been public and notorious that Venezuela’s income was mostly generated by the oil industry.

Due to the sudden changes in hydrocarbon prices worldwide, during the 1990s, this income was declining.

This situation, added to others of an internal order, motivated the executive to organize, honest and create various taxes. Through its Treasury agencies first and Finance at present, to somehow replace the income that was missing from oil.

The income would be used to cover the cost of public administration and social developments. Based on models from other countries, with implementation and results with notable success.

This is how a new alternative and culture of tax openness in the country begins.

Although SENIAT is an autonomous institution, does not have legal personality and is an entity attached to the Ministry of Finance.

enjoy functional autonomy.For it has a strengthened and specialized professional and human talent system within the institution. With the firm of being the administrators of internal taxes and customs.

How to register in the SENIAT

To use the services of the electronic portal of the Integrated Customs and Tax Administration System SENIATyou must register your data through the SENIAT Online section.

Depending on the personality of the taxpayer, you must select between Natural or Legal:

  1. For the natural person, it is required to have the identity cardas Venezuelan or foreigner, or the passport. Also possess the Fiscal Information Registry or R.I.F. and an address of email.
  2. What legal person, refers to companies or organizations, private, public or mixed. You must have the Fiscal Information Registry or R.I.F.both of the business as of his legal representative and an email address.

When clicking on the corresponding option, you must select Register and complete the requested information according to each case.

Once the steps are complete, The result will be obtaining a username and password, will be sent to the registered email. These data will be used to access the different services offered through the electronic portal.

What is the RIF or Tax Information Registry

In compliance with its purposes, SENIAT has implemented and unified among all its users, the use of a kind of tax ID known by its initials as RIF and which correspond to R.record of Yoinformation Ftax.

This registration number is assigned to each natural or legal person, to government institutions and to successions. In order to identify, control and organize the solvency of taxes, rates and other contributions to be paid by taxpayers before SENIAT o National Integrated Service of Customs and Tax Administration.

It is important to note that when we refer to the «tax identification number» either

“unique code for taxpayers”, we are talking about the RIF.

What are the requirements for the registration of the RIF

The requested documents are must go in original and photocopy, with the exception of the Seniat form, which is unique:

Natural person

  1. The form downloaded from the electronic portal when starting the process to obtain the RIF
  2. The passport in case of being a foreigner and the identity card, as appropriate
    Proof of residence address: utility bill, title deeds.
  3. Documents that certify the links with the Family Dependencies: birth certificates, identity cards, marriage or common-law certificate, study certificates, medical certificates.

Legal person, government agencies and successions

  1. Form downloaded from the electronic portal when starting the process to obtain the RIF
  2. The constitution document duly registered and published
    The last meeting minutes.
    If it is a bank or financial entity, the document certified by SUDEBAN
  3. A document that certifies the domicile or tax address
  4. RIF and identity card of the legal representative of the company, its partners and management personnel.

For Natural Persons

We understand that a Natural Person is a physical, human person who exercises rights and fulfills the obligations of citizenship in a personal way. It is identified with an identity card or passport.

So he Personal RIF, is the Unique Fiscal Information Registry code, which is assigned to natural persons, that they must comply with obligations before the National Integrated Customs and Tax Administration Service SENIAT.

Among these obligations, we find the Income Tax Declaration, which is carried out annually, based on the income obtained during a fiscal period of one year.

For Legal Entities

while a Legal Person, refers to a company, an organization, a community, Venezuelan entities and institutions with or without profit. They are identified with a commercial register.

The Legal RIF corresponds to the Unique Fiscal Information Registry number, which is assigned to the companies described above, which have obligations and rights in the nation through the National Integrated Customs and Tax Administration Service SENIAT.

We can highlight among its obligations in addition to the Income Tax, Value Added Tax declaration, among other.

How to get the RIF

To obtain the RIF, the following steps must be met:

Natural person

  1. Enter the website of the SENIAT
  2. Locate the «Online Systems» menu
  3. Select Rif Inscription
  4. A form will be displayed where you must select the type of person among Venezuelan Natural Person/Foreign Natural Person with Identity Card, and complete the ID and Date of Birth fields; either Foreign Natural Person with Passport and complete the Passport and Date of Birth fields
  5. Click on Search *
  6. Then on Enroll Taxpayer
  7. The system will display the «Basic Data» format, complete the Surname, Name, Sex, Marital Status, Domiciled in the Country, Personal Signatures, Type of Activity, Profession, RIF of the Company for which Labor (optional), Position, Email (optional). **
  8. Press Save
  9. Select Addresses and complete the corresponding fields, you can include all the addresses you have, completely filling out the requested fields.
  10. Press Save
  11. If you have Upload Relatives, enter the basic data linked to each of the relatives entered. In the case of descendants over 18 years of age and under 25 years of age who are studying or with a disability, select Proof of Study or Medical Report, as the case may be. If they are over 25 years of age with a disability, select a Medical Report.
  12. If you have a personal signature, indicate the corresponding data
  13. When completing the required fields, click on View Form and review carefully, correct if necessary
  14. Then print it and sign it
  15. You must deliver it to the Internal Tax office that corresponds to you according to your fiscal residence address. Attach the requested requirements. Which you can consult at the end of the form in See Requirements.
  16. To finish, click on Validate Registration
  17. If everything is correct, a message will appear informing you that you have a period of 30 continuous days to formalize the registration, before the corresponding unit, otherwise the loaded data will be deleted.

Legal person, government agencies and successions

  1. Enter the website of the SENIAT
  2. Locate the «Online Systems» menu
  3. Select Rif Inscription
  4. A form will be displayed where you must select the type of person among Legal person, Complete the fields of Date of Incorporation, Company Name, Registration No., Volume No.; Government agency, and complete Date of Incorporation, Company Name, Providence No., Gazette No.; Succession, enter Certificate of the Deceased, Date of Death, Parish, Record No., Year.
  5. Click on Search *
  6. Then on Enroll Taxpayer
  7. The system will display the «Basic Data» format, complete the boxes of Business Name, Type of Person, Acronyms, Class of Company, Domiciled in the Country, Nationality, Type of Company, Email, Registry Office, Folio No., No. Protocol, Registration Date, Activity Start Date, Fiscal Closing Date
  8. Press Save
  9. For Government Entities, complete: Company Name, Acronyms, Domiciled in the Country, Nationality, Type of Company, E-mail, Order No., Decree or Law, Folio No., Gazette No., Gazette Date. And Click on Save
  10. In the case of a Succession, you must enter: Surnames, Names, Sex, Marital Status, Domiciled in the Country, Nationality of the deceased, Email, then click on the button and Save (**)
  11. Select Addresses and complete the corresponding fields, you can include all the addresses you have, completely filling out the requested fields.
  12. Press Save
  13. Complete the corresponding information with the relationships of the Taxpayer as a legal person or government entity, clicking on the Relationships option and fill in the requested fields Taxpayer ID/RIF, Type of Relationship, Executive Position, % Participation of the Partner
  14. save the information
  15. When completing the required fields, click on View Form and review carefully, correct if necessary
  16. Then print it and sign it
  17. You must deliver it to the Internal Tax office that corresponds to you according to your fiscal residence address. Attach the requested requirements. Which you can consult at the end of the form in See Requirements.
  18. To finish, click on Validate Registration
  19. If everything is correct, a message will appear informing you that you have a period of 30 continuous days to formalize the registration, before the corresponding unit, otherwise the loaded data will be deleted.
If the applicant already had a RIF number, which he does not remember, the system will indicate that a record exists, with which he can complete or update the information linked to the indicated Rif.

(**) In case of selecting personal signatures, a menu will be displayed on the left side of the screen with the Economic Activity section. There it will indicate that you must complete a survey so that a corresponding economic activity code is created.

What is the cost to get the RIF

The procedure before the Internal Taxes unit is gratuitous.

The printing of the return and the copies of the requirements is what may have a cost but not before the Seniat.

How to know the RIF of a company

It can be consulted in the official stationery of companies, such as their invoices. On the internet you can place the name and do a search for them, accessing their website is also frequent to see their Rif number.

Now If you want to confirm it, you can do it from the Seniat portal. entering Online services and select Consult Rifyou place the data to be consulted and the system will confirm with which company it is linked.


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