How to obtain solvency before INCES? Form and requirements

6 minutos de lectura

The INCESS It gives you the opportunity to take courses, expand your knowledge and then do an internship. We present you how to get the solvency application form and what information do you need?

What is INCES?

It is an autonomous body with legal personality and its own assets, attached to the Ministry of Popular Power for the Communal Economy, created by Law on August 22, 1959 and regulated by Decree on March 11, 1960 under the name of National Institute for Educational Cooperation. (INCE).

In 2003, in accordance with Decree published in the Official Gazette No. 37,809 dated November 3, the regulation of the INCE Law was reformed, with the purpose of reorganizing it and adapting it to the interests of the country and the process of industrial reconversion, process which later frames its conception and vision, within the scope of an open and participatory socialism, becoming the National Institute of Socialist Training and Education (INCES), repealing the Law that governed said Institute since 1970.

Its duties?

Its function is the collective, comprehensive, continuous training and self-training of citizens, from the community to the work entities, for the productive chain, stabilization and development of the social work process.

INCES mission

The National Institute for Training and Socialist Education INCES, leader of Vocational Training in different trades of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, develops actions aimed at training the economically active population demanded by the productive sectors of society and the state, making viable their social participation in the generation of goods and services, and contributing to the economic and technological development of the country, expressed in the improvement of the quality of life of citizens.

How to process solvency?

Electronic solvency is the document by means of which Inces certifies that, on the date of its issuance, a contributor is up to date in the fulfillment of their duties and tax obligations, liquid and enforceable.

The electronic proof of tax solvency It has the same legal validity as the document with the autograph signature: it includes the authorized electronic signature. In addition, it is published on the Internet in order to offer public and transparent mechanisms for verifying compliance with tax obligations.

Each solvency will have a unique security code that can be validated at the web address and, in addition, it will have a QR code that will facilitate consultation from a smartphone.


To request their electronic solvency, contributors must self-assess their taxes.

Then, they must consign the collections that we present below at the Inces headquarters closest to their home, depending on your case, and twenty-four hours later, they can download the corresponding electronic certificate of solvency.

This solvency is necessary to sign any contract, agreement or agreement with the State.

first time solvency

  1. The appearance of the Work Entity must be made through its legal or conventional representative. (This quality must be demonstrated at the time of carrying out the process with the constitutive act, assembly act or Power of Attorney)
  2. Present identity card of the legal representative and the person who performs the process.
  3. R.I.F.
  4. Submit the registration by the MPPPST (NIL).
  5. Take the quarterly declaration of the MPPPST.
  6. Display of the payment invoice to the IVSS.
  7. Consignment of the solvency application form and the payments corresponding to 2% and 0.5% of the last 6 years.
  8. Exhibition of the PNA certificate of the companies obligated with the National Apprenticeship Program (15 workers or more).

For work entities with less than 4 workers, only numbers 1 to 7 apply.

For work entities with 5 to 14 workers, numbers 1 to 7 apply.

For work entities with 15 workers or more, all the numerals described apply.

Solvency renewal

You must submit the following documents to the INCES of your town.

  • Four solvency application forms, this is the form provided by the INCES website. You get it on the page www.inces.gob.vego to «tributes», you will see a menu where the option «bearer services» is when you select this option you will see a new window and look for the option «Request for INCES solvency of companies and cooperative associations»

Subsequently, a menu of options will be displayed and place the contributor number and continue completing the information that is required.

  • Copy of the last certificate of solvency granted.
  • Authorization signed by the legal representative, photocopy of the identity card of the legal representative and the authorized person. If the legal representative is the one who carries out the procedure, he must present the commercial registry and a copy of his identity card.
  • Labor Identification Number (NIL).
  • Fiscal Identification Registry (RIF).
  • If the company is not a contributor, submit an updated Daily Book.
  • Original and copy of the last ISLR statement.
  • Original and copy of bank returns of canceled contributions, default interest and calculation basis.
  • Certificate of faithful compliance issued by Sunacoop only for the cooperative associations.
  • You will need the PNA compliance certificate as long as your company has more than 15 workers.


You will see the form when you reach the last step when you are doing the process on the website. It consists of the applicant’s data, economic activity, address of the company, in which state it is located, number of workers and workers, among others.

Steps to follow

To request the electronic solvency enter then look for the option: Taxes – Electronic Solvency.

1.- You will see a menu that shows the option: Solvency INCES. Click on “INCES solvency application for companies and cooperative associations

two.- Enter the INCES contributor code of the company requesting solvency.

3.- Click on the option “request solvency“.

4.- A pop-up page will open where they indicate the requirements for the application, solvency, take note, close or minimize the screen.

5.- A window is displayed with the form where you must fill in all the requested data, then press the disc located below and to the right.

6.- To complete the process, the system will issue a certificate, which you must print and go to the nearest INCES office to proceed with your request.

What is the duration of the procedure?

You can complete the solvency payment process in one day.

It is important that you do the verification to know until what date you have the opportunity to do it either through the office of the institute, or through its website.

If you do not do this process within the stipulated period, you can start accumulating interest. We recommend that you make payments within the established deadlines to avoid falling into arrears.

Benefits offered by INCES

  • You can start your first job with no experience required.
  • Cancellation of 75% of the minimum wage during the theoretical phase and 100% during the practical phase, in addition to the benefits of the company’s collective agreement or the Organic Law of Labor, Workers and Workers.
  • Certification in Skilled Trades endorsed by INCES.

Despite the fact that the process is done through the website, then you have to print the form generated by the system and complete various requirements to finish the process depending on whether the solvency is for the first time or if it is a renewal.

What are the courses offered by INCES?
  • Business Administrative Assistant
  • IT Business Assistant
  • Comprehensive Financial Clerk
  • General Operator in supermarkets
  • Accounting analyst
  • Foreign Trade Assistant
  • Oil Plant Operator
  • universal welding
  • Plastic Injection Molding
  • Automotive and Diesel Engine Mechanics
  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanics
  • Bodywork and Automobile Painting
  • Food Preparation and Service (Fast Food)
  • Operator of Machines for the Elaboration of Alimentary Pasta
  • Machine Operator for the Manufacture of Pulps and its Conservation
  • Mattress Manufacturing
  • Shoe Manufacturing
  • Lithographic presser
  • General Binding Operator
  • Other courses in different areas

Thanks for reading us!

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